The Worldwide Church (AQA GCSE Religious Studies A (8062))

Revision Note

Glenn Millington


Religious Studies

Mission & Evangelism Around the World

  • Mission literally means sending and relates to the calling of a religious organization or individual to go out into the world and spread their faith

  • Missionaries spread the message of Jesus abroad by caring for others abroad

  • According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus told his disciples that they should spread his message throughout the world and should try to convert people to Christianity

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matthew 28:19)

  • Missionaries spread the Christian message abroad, not necessarily only through preaching, but through their actions too for example, helping with development projects

  • There is rapid growth in South America and Africa, where missionaries have spent time working for social justice and setting up churches

Christianity and reconciliation

  •  Reconciliation is the idea that people should make up after an argument and move on

  • In the bible, Jesus said ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ (Matthew 5: 9) and so Christians believe that reconciliation is needed for those who have had conflict with each other

    • Just as Jesus brought God and humankind together through the atonement

  • One way that Christians evangelise is to reconcile groups around the world where there has been conflict

  • Within the Christian church, there are many different denominations and this has led to conflict and tension in the past

  • The Ecumenical Movement or Ecumenism is an attempt to bring different denominations together and promote unity

    • The ecumenical movement aims to unite all Christian denominations into one Church

    • It was founded in 1910 at the World Missionary Conference in Scotland, and has led to more cooperation between denominations

    • Examples include different denominations sharing the same church building, and ecumenical services, where different denominations worship together

  • There are examples of Christians organisations who work to achieve reconciliation


The World Council of Churches

The Corrymeela Community

Pax Christi

The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches that works towards ecumenism.

Each year the global organization holds a week of prayer devoted to Christian unity, remembering Jesus’ teaching that they may be one so that the world may believe (John 17:21).

The organisation runs campaigns to promote unity and works with other religions

The Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland was founded to help heal the religious and political divisions within the country

The group work in the area where there is the most tension between Roman Catholics and Protestants

They run group activities and discussions to try and encourage understanding and reconciliation

Pax Christi is an international Catholic organisation who believe that violence is always wrong and that Christians should work to achieve peace and harmony

They work in countries where there is war and unrest for human rights, peace and disarmament

For example, thirteen members of the organisation from six countries took part in a recent visit to the Holy Land to show solidarity with those who are being persecuted


Exam Tip

Consider the problematic nature of evangelism and missionary work in a society that promotes freedom of belief. What are the problems of having a belief that you should spread the word of your religion whilst also believing that you should respect the views of others even if they differ with your own?

Could evangelism cause more problems than it solves?

Church Response to Persecution

Christianity and persecution

  • Christians believe in justice and that all people are equal and should be treated fairly

  • There are Christian organisations who support those treated unfairly due to poverty, war or persecution

  • Persecution is persistently cruel treatment, often due to race, political or religious beliefs

  • Historically Christians have faced persecution in the form of bullying, torture, unequal treatment and even death

  • In some parts of the world, Christians are treated unjustly in societies where Christianity is a minority

  • Christians believe that when given a divine commission from Jesus to evangelise, this may be in the face of danger

  • Jesus himself was persecuted and warned his disciples that they would be persecuted for their faith

  • Jesus and other Christians have become martyrs meaning that they have been persecuted and ultimately killed for their religious belief

Church responses to persecution

  • Christians would pray for those that are persecuted. They may also give money to charities that help. Some might protest or petition the government to help

  • Christians might provide bibles for those who are persecuted to allow them to worship in secret

  • In Corinthians, Paul likens members of the Church to different parts of the body and says,

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it’ (1 Corinthians 12:26)

  • This is why the Church campaigns on behalf of persecuted Christians and supports them where possible anywhere in the world

  • Christian organisations such as Open Doors and Christian Freedom International work with persecuted Christians all over the world many who are being tortured, imprisoned and killed for their faith

  • There are other organisations that help Christians respond to persecution

    • The Aegis Trust is an international organisation working to prevent genocide

    • The Barnabus Fund helps Christians cope with discirmination and persecution

Worked Example

Give two ways in which the Church helps Christians to respond to persecution

[2 marks]


Some will be taught to react with forgiveness and love so they might decide to love their enemies (1)

Some may help support organisations like Open Doors who work around the world to try and prevent the persecution of Christians (1)

Exam Tip

Christian responses to persecution can either be private or public.

Private responses may involve prayer or faith that God will make a situation better.

More public responses may involve actively working against persecution through protest, raising money or awareness or supporting a Christian organisation that works to end persecution

Work of Christian Organisations in LEDCs

Christianity and helping those in need

  • Christians use the teachings of Jesus in the bible to help teach them how they should help people in need

    • Jesus taught that his followers should have compassion towards others.

Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ (Luke 10:27)

  • This was explained in the parable of the Good Samaritan. The message behind the story is that people should love everyone, even their enemies

  • The Bible promotes justice. The idea that everyone has the right to be treated fairly

  • God created everyone equal, it is wrong therefore to ignore the needs of others. It is a duty to care for others less fortunate

  • In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats Jesus taught that God will judge people based upon choices they have made. On Judgement Day God will separate the good from the bad like the shepherd separated the sheep from the goats

  • Christians try to put into action the unconditional or selfless love that Jesus discusses called agape love

  • They also follow religious texts about charity: ‘It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle,’ and ‘Those who have two coats, give one to the man who has none

  • Christians are also taught about in terms of poverty this means that they should use their wealth to help others. Christians are encouraged to give to charities and donate some of their money to people in need

Christianity charities helping worldwide

  • There are many Christian charities who help those who are in poverty around the world. These charities include, Christian Aid, CAFOD and Tearfund


Christian Aid



Christian Aid works globally to help to relieve poverty

They give aid by providing emergency aid, giving aid to refugees and fighting diseases

They set up projects around the world to help develop the skills of local people to help themselves

The group also campaigns to change government policy to help reduce poverty. For example, through debt relief and fair trade products

A recent example of the work of Christian Aid is that they have supported people in Malawi impacted by Cyclone Freddy and the devastating floods that have destroyed crops. Over 500,000 people have lost their homes


The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) work to fight against poverty and injustice around the world

CAFOD’s work is based on the belief that people are all global neighbours

They work through churches to help in emergencies but also help people by providing them with skills to help themselves

A recent example of the work of CAFOD is to support people following the violent conflict in Sudan where thousands of people have fled their homes to escape the fighting and are now running out of food, water and medicine


Tearfund is a Christian Evangelical organisation that works through Church groups giving help to the poor in many countries

It currently works in over 50 countries, providing emergency aid when natural disasters occur and carrying out long term projects to support local communities

It raises public awareness of social issues such as poverty and discrimination. It also gives practical help in order to act out the teachings of Jesus to help others and encourages self-help for individuals and communities

A recent example of their work is in Columbia, they have worked with children to set up sports clubs for football training, providing safe places for young people to socialise away from the risk of joining gangs


Worked Example

Explain two ways in which a worldwide Christian relief organisation carries out its mission overseas. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer

(5 marks)


Christian Aid provides emergency aid for those people who are suffering as a result of natural disasters. They do this because in the bible Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan which means that Christians should help people in need whoever or wherever they are

Christian Aid also campaigns to change government policy to make things fairer for those living in poor countries. They do this because the bible teaches about the importance of justice and fairness and that everyone should have the opportunity to live a good life

Exam Tip

Learn information about three Christian organisations who work to support those living in poverty. Choose one of these three more thoroughly and understand generally the work that they do, some specific projects they are involved in and the reasons they do it, linked to Christian teaching

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Glenn Millington

Author: Glenn Millington

After graduating with a degree in Theology and Religious Studies, Glenn completed a PGCE over 20 years ago. He later gained an MA in Education Studies from the Manchester Metropolitan University. More recently Glenn completed a PhD in Educational Research focusing on educational disadvantage at Edge Hill University. Glenn is incredibly passionate about developing resources to enable students to succeed in Religious Education.