AQA A Level Psychology

Topic Questions

2.2 Working Memory Model

12 marks

Which two of the following are not features of the visuospatial sketchpad:

  a) Inner scribe
  b) Episodic buffer
  c) Visual cache
  d) Articulatory control

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24 marks

Apart from the visuo-spatial sketchpad, name and briefly outline two other components of the working memory model. 

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32 marks

Outline one limitation of research which investigates the WMM.

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4a2 marks

Professor Memmoria is conducting research on how students use working memory when they are revising for exams. She gives a questionnaire to 100 sixth-form students which asks them to respond to closed questions on their revision techniques. 28% of the participants report that they use images to help them remember key information.

With reference to Professor Memmoria’s study outlined above, explain which component of the WMM was used by 28% of the students to revise..

4b1 mark

Write one closed question that the professor could use in her questionnaire.

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53 marks

Leon banged his head playing rugby and is suffering from temporary memory impairment. He is able to play computer games but he finds it difficult to concentrate on what his teacher is saying in class.

Explain why Leon is experiencing differences in processing and storing information with reference to the WMM.

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116 marks

Describe and evaluate the Working Memory Model.

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2a4 marks

Bobby has designed a dual-task experiment which he will conduct in his Psychology class. Once he has obtained his results he intends to use the median as his measure of central tendency to analyse the data.

Suggest how Bobby could ensure that his research is valid.

2b3 marks

Explain why the mean would be a better measure of central tendency for Bobby to use on his data and additionally, explain under what conditions it would be better to use the median.

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38 marks

Outline and evaluate the role of the Central Executive in the WMM.

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13 marks

Explain what is meant by the term word length effect and explain how word length effect can be eradicated.

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22 marks

Amir was talking to his friend Sunita on the phone and drawing doodles at the same time. When he tried to write down some ideas he had about what to buy Sunita for her birthday he found that he lost track of what Sunita was saying and had to ask her to repeat the information.

With reference to Amir’s conversation with Sunita explain why Amir found it difficult to write down information that was different to the conversation content and why this did not occur when he was drawing doodles.

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3a1 mark

Dr Loopy conducted a dual-task experiment in which she obtained 50 participants from her university using volunteer (self-selecting) sampling achieved via use of an advert and randomly allocated them to one of two conditions:

Condition 1: Recite a poem out loud whilst writing a shopping list 

Condition 2: Recite a poem out loud whilst looking at the image of a cat

Identify the experimental design Dr Loopy used in her dual-task experiment 

3b4 marks

Outline one strength and one limitation of using the design you identified in a).

3c6 marks

Evaluate Dr Loopy’s use of sampling method and suggest how she could have used an alternative sampling method.

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43 marks

Professor Visuo has conducted research on the capacity of the VSS in the morning compared to its capacity in the evening. She has found that participants were able to recall 85% of visual stimuli presented in the morning compared to 62% of visual stimuli in the evening. 

Calculate the percentage decrease between the two scores.

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54 marks

Explain why using case studies of brain-damaged patients to provide insight into working memory may lack scientific rigour.

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6a1 mark

Which type of long-term memory would be most associated with the following?

Write the correct type of long-term memory in the spaces provided.

Stored with reference to contextual information, eg time and place
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1 mark
Difficult to describe in words
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1 mark
Knowing the meaning of a word

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8 marks

Outline and evaluate research into duration in memory.

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2 marks

Name the two components of working memory that would be involved in the performance of the tasks in Condition A.

Mentally counting backwards from 100:

Tracking coloured shapes on a computer screen:

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4 marks

Discuss one strength of the working memory model.

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