AQA A Level Physics

Revision Notes

8.1.5 Background Radiation

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Background Radiation

  • Background radiation describes the low level of radiation present in the surroundings at all times
  • There are two types of sources of background radiation:
    • Natural sources
    • Man-made sources

Natural Sources

  • Radon gas from rocks and soil
    • Heavy radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, occur naturally in rocks in the ground
    • Uranium decays into radon gas, which is an alpha emitter
    • This is particularly dangerous if inhaled into the lungs in large quantities

  • Cosmic rays from space
    • The sun emits an enormous number of protons every second
    • Some of these enter the Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds
    • When they collide with molecules in the air, this leads to the production of gamma radiation
    • Other sources of cosmic rays are supernovae and other high energy cosmic events

  • Carbon-14 in biological material
    • All organic matter contains a tiny amount of carbon-14
    • Living plants and animals constantly replace the supply of carbon in their systems hence the amount of carbon-14 in the system stays almost constant

  • Radioactive material in food and drink
    • Naturally occurring radioactive elements can get into food and water since they are in contact with rocks and soil containing these elements
    • Some foods contain higher amounts such as potassium-40 in bananas
    • However, the amount of radioactive material is minuscule and is not a cause for concern

Man-Made Sources

  • Medical sources
    • In medicine, radiation is utilised all the time
    • Uses include X-rays, CT scans, radioactive tracers, and radiation therapy

  • Nuclear waste
    • While nuclear waste itself does not contribute much to background radiation, it can be dangerous for the people handling it

  • Nuclear fallout from nuclear weapons
    • Fallout is the residue radioactive material that is thrown into the air after a nuclear explosion, such as the bomb that exploded at Hiroshima
    • While the amount of fallout in the environment is presently very low, it would increase significantly in areas where nuclear weapons are tested

  • Nuclear accidents
    • Accidents such as that in Chernobyl contributed a large dose of radiation into the environment
    • While these accidents are now extremely rare, they can be catastrophic and render areas devastated for centuries

Background Radiation Chart, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

In the UK, radon gas is by far the largest proportion of background radiation, whereas radiation due to nuclear waste and fallout accounts for less than 1%

Corrected Count Rate

  • Background radiation must be accounted for when taking readings in a laboratory
  • This can be done by taking readings with no radioactive source present and then subtracting this from readings with the source present
    • This is known as the corrected count rate

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.