AQA A Level Physics

Revision Notes

12.2.1 Theories of Light

Newton’s Corpuscular Theory of Light

  • Newton proposed that light was made of small particle-like bodies called corpuscles, emitted by luminous objects
    • One prediction of this theory was that objects emitting light were losing mass slowly
    • This theory was able to explain reflectionrefraction and dispersion, but not diffraction
  • To explain reflection:
    • The corpuscles simply hit the reflective surface and experienced an equal and opposite repulsive force from the surface, following Newton's third law
    • This is because corpuscular theory treated corpuscles like solid, elastic spheres
  • To explain refraction:
    • Corpuscular theory assumed there was a force of attraction between light and matter
    • In a single medium, such as air, the force supposedly acted on all sides so there was no resultant force
    • But at a boundary between air and a denser medium, Newton said there was a resultant force on the corpuscles acting perpendicular to the boundary, because there was more matter in the new medium
    • A consequence of this was that light travelled faster in a more dense medium

A diagram showing Newton's corpuscular explanation for refraction


The boundary force, arising from an attraction to a greater amount of matter, increases the vertical component of velocity, which changes the angle of the corpuscle's path - this means the magnitude of the velocity is greater in water

Comparing Corpuscular & Wave Theories

Huygens' Wave Theory of Light

  • Huygens was a Dutch scientist who proposed that light was a wave
    • All other known waves travelled through a medium so he suggested the Universe was filled with a massless medium known as the "luminiferous aether" (more on this in Special Relativity)
  • In his theory, light travelled in wavefronts
    • These wavefronts were emitted from a point source
    • Any point of the wavefront then acted as a secondary point source, from which wavelets could propagate
    • These wavelets joined together to form a new wavefront, and so on

Diagram showing the propagation of wavefronts 


Any point on a wavefront can act as a secondary point source for wavelets - only a few are shown here

  • To explain reflection:
    • When a wavefront hits a reflective surface, the point of reflection becomes a secondary point source for new wavelets
    • Different parts of the wavefront hit the reflective surface at different times, so the new wavefront forms in a new direction
  • To explain refraction:
    • This theory, in contrast to Newton's corpuscular theory, relied on light travelling slower in a denser medium
    • Again, different parts of the wavefront hit the boundary to a new medium at different times
    • The part of the wavefront which first reaches the boundary slows before the rest of the wavefront, causing it to change direction 

Comparing the two Theories

  • Similarities between the two theories:
    • Both explained reflection
    • Both explained refraction
    • Both could explain dispersion
  • Differences between the two theories:
    • Corpuscular theory said light was composed of particles with mass, while wave theory said it was a wave travelling through a massless medium
    • Corpuscular theory claimed light travelled faster in denser media, whereas wave theory claimed light travelled slower in denser media
    • Corpuscular theory had no explanation for diffraction or interference, however, these were common properties of waves

Why was Newton's theory more accepted than Huygens'?

  • Both theories explained the phenomena of light, but both also had flaws
  • Newton was already widely respected thanks to his work on motion and gravity
  • There was no way of measuring the speed of light or observing diffraction of light at the time, so corpuscular theory was the accepted theory of light for 150 years
    • This changed when diffraction patterns of light were observed that contradicted this theory

Exam Tip

This topic often features a lot of comparison questions - the key things to remember here are the explanations of reflection and refraction, the main differences between the theories and why Huygens' theory wasn't as popular.

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Dan MG

Author: Dan MG

Dan graduated with a First-class Masters degree in Physics at Durham University, specialising in cell membrane biophysics. After being awarded an Institute of Physics Teacher Training Scholarship, Dan taught physics in secondary schools in the North of England before moving to SME. Here, he carries on his passion for writing enjoyable physics questions and helping young people to love physics.