AQA A Level Physics

Revision Notes

10.4.5 Fibre Optics & Endoscopy

Fibre Optics in Medicine

What does 'Fibre Optics' Mean?

  • Fibre optics refers to the use of light travelling along a flexible fibre to produce an image
    • This is particularly useful in medicine, as it allows medics to view internal structures with the flexible fibre, without the need for surgery

What is an Endoscope?

  • The piece of equipment used to do this is called an endoscope
    • Endoscopes contain bundles of optical fibres along which light is transmitted to an eyepiece
  • An optical fibre is a flexible fibre, or core, along which light is transmitted
  • The core is surrounded by cladding
    • This protects the core - light escapes if it is unclean or if it makes contact with neighbouring fibres
    • It also has a slightly lower refractive index than the core, allowing light in the core to be totally internally reflected

Cross-section of an optical fibre

Optical Fibre 2

Light passing through the core is internally reflected with a large critical angle, θc

  • The core's refractive index is only just less than the cladding's refractive index
    • This makes the critical angle large
  • Therefore, the only light transmitted by the fibre undergoes a small number of reflections and there is a very low amount of loss of information (some energy is absorbed each reflection)
    • Light that would undergo a large number of reflections, and losing information as a result, just passes through the cladding instead

Worked example

The core of an endoscope has a refractive index of 1.46. The critical angle is 80°. 

Calculate the refractive index of the cladding.



Step 1: Recall Snell's Law for the critical angle:

sin space theta subscript c space equals space n subscript 2 over n subscript 1

Step 2: Rearrange this for the index of the cladding, n2 :

n subscript 2 space equals space n subscript 1 sin space theta subscript c

Step 3: Insert the core's refractive index and the critical angle:

n subscript 2 space equals space 1.46 space cross times space sin space 80 degree space equals space 1.44

Operation of the Endoscope

  • Optical fibres are utilised in medicine in order to see within the human body
    • The piece of equipment using these optical fibres is called an endoscope
  • In an endoscope, fibre optics can be bundled together as
    • Coherent bundles
    • Incoherent bundles

Coherent Bundles

  • A coherent bundle of optical fibres is:

A bundle of optical fibres with fixed positions relative to each other at each end and along its length

  • This type of bundle is used for transmitting an image to the viewer of the endoscope
  • The optical fibres are grouped together in a regular pattern
    • Each fibre is in a fixed position relative to its neighbours
  • Each fibre receives and transmits a portion of the image to the endoscope's eyepiece
    • Collectively, the fibres make the whole image
  • The fibres in a coherent bundle have a diameter of ~10 μm
    • This is small, for a high resolution
    • Any smaller than this, however, and diffraction affects the image quality

Incoherent Bundles

  • An incoherent bundle of optical fibres is:

A bundle of optical fibres grouped together in a random arrangement

  • This type of bundle is used to transmit light from a source to the endoscope's target
  • The optical fibres do not keep their position relative to their neighbours in the bundle
    • No image needs to be transmitted, this bundle only transmits light to illuminate the target tissue
    • The light reflected by the tissue is transmitted by the coherent bundle to produce an image
  • Optical fibres in this bundle have a diameter range of 50 - 100 μm
    • These bundles are cheaper to produce than coherent bundles

Cross-Sections of Coherent and Incoherent Bundles10-4-5-coherent-incoherent-bundle-map-aqa-al-physics-rn

Fibres in a coherent bundle are regularly spaced. The diameters and spacing of fibres in an incoherent bundle are less crucial, as their role is illumination rather than transmitting a clear image.

Features of an Endoscope

  • An endoscope features a long flexible shaft connected to an eyepiece
  • Within this shaft is contained:
    • An aperture (hole along the length of the endoscope) through which to operate medical instruments
    • A channel for air or water
    • An incoherent bundle for illumination
    • A coherent bundle for transmitting an image

Uses of an Endoscope

  • Endoscopes can be used simply for viewing an internal system, e.g. looking for a tumour in the digestive system
  • They can also be used to perform small medical procedures, using tools through the aperture e.g. taking tissue samples for further study
  • Some examples of procedures using an endoscope:
    • Gastroscopy (examining the upper digestive system, see the diagram below)
    • Colonoscopy (examining the lower digestive system)
    • Arthroscopy (examining joints for issues such as arthritis, through a small incision)

Basic Structure and Use of an Endoscope

Endoscope, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

The structure of an endoscope allows internal organs to be viewed or sampled. The lower image shows a gastroscopy, in which the upper digestive system can be viewed.

  • Endoscopy is commonly used instead of surgery because:
    • Endoscopy is less painful than surgery
    • There is a lower infection risk than surgery
    • The recovery time is faster than that of surgery
  • Of course, endoscopy is limited to small procedures and certain systems - sometimes surgery, magnetic resonance scans or other forms of imaging are more appropriate

Exam Tip

When studying this topic, make sure you are building on a strong foundation of knowledge about total internal reflection. You may have to refer to this to form part of your descriptions and explanations of endoscopy in your exam.
For example, an endoscope can only bend a certain amount before light can no longer undergo total internal reflection in the core, because it doesn't strike the interface at (or above) the critical angle. 

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Dan MG

Author: Dan MG

Dan graduated with a First-class Masters degree in Physics at Durham University, specialising in cell membrane biophysics. After being awarded an Institute of Physics Teacher Training Scholarship, Dan taught physics in secondary schools in the North of England before moving to SME. Here, he carries on his passion for writing enjoyable physics questions and helping young people to love physics.