Nuclear Fission (OCR Gateway GCSE Physics)

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Nuclear Fission

  • There is a lot of energy stored within the nucleus of an atom
    • This energy can be released in a nuclear reaction such as fission or fusion

  • Nuclear fission is defined as:

The splitting of a large, unstable nucleus into two smaller nuclei

  • Isotopes of uranium and plutonium both undergo fission and are used as fuels in nuclear power stations
  • During fission, when a neutron collides with an unstable nucleus, the nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei (called daughter nuclei) as well as two or three neutrons
    • Gamma rays are also emitted

nuclear-fission, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Large nuclei can decay by fission to produce smaller nuclei and neutrons with a lot of kinetic energy

  • The products of fission move away very quickly
    • Energy transferred is from nuclear potential energy to kinetic energy

Chain Reactions

  • It is rare for nuclei to undergo fission without additional energy being put into the nucleus
  • When nuclear fission occurs in this way it is called spontaneous fission
  • Usually, for fission to occur the unstable nucleus must first absorb a neutron
  • Take, for example, uranium-235, which is commonly used as a fuel in nuclear reactors
  • It has a very long half-life of 700 million years
  • This means that it would have a low activity and energy would be released very slowly
    • This is unsuitable for producing energy in a nuclear power station

  • During induced fission, a neutron is absorbed by the uranium-235 nucleus to make uranium-236
  • This is very unstable and splits by nuclear fission almost immediately
    • During the fission, it produces two or three neutrons which move away at high speed

Nuclear fission, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

The fission of a nucleus, such as uranium, to produce smaller daughter nuclei with the release of energy

  • Each of these new neutrons can start another fission reaction, which again creates further excess neutrons
    • This process is called a chain reaction

Chain reaction analogy, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

The neutrons released by each fission reaction can go on to create further fissions, like a chain that is linked several times – from each chain comes two more

  • In a nuclear reactor, a chain reaction is required to keep the reactor running
  • When the reactor is producing energy at the correct rate, the number of free neutrons in the reactor needs to be kept constant
    • This means some must be removed from the reactor

  • To do this, nuclear reactors contain control rods
  • These absorb neutrons without becoming dangerously unstable themselves

Uncontrolled Chain Reactions

  • Because each new fission reaction releases energy, uncontrolled chain reactions can be dangerous
  • The number of neutrons available increases quickly, so the number of reactions does too
  • A nuclear weapon uses an uncontrolled chain reaction to release a huge amount of energy in a short period of time as an explosion

Worked example

During a particular spontaneous fission reaction, plutonium-239 splits as shown in the equation below:

  WE Fission equation example, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

What is in the missing section of this equation?


Step 1: Identify the different mass and atomic numbers

    • Pu (Plutonium) has mass number 239 and atomic number 94
    • Pd (Palladium) has mass number 112 and atomic number 46
    • Cd (Cadmium) has mass number 124 and atomic number 48

Step 2: Calculate the mass and atomic number of the missing section

    • Mass number is equal to the difference between the mass numbers of the reactants and the products

239 – (112 + 124) = 3

    • Atomic number is equal to the difference between the atomic numbers of the reactants and the products

94 – (46 + 48) = 0

Step 3: Determine the correct notation

    • Neutrons have a mass number of 1
    • Therefore, the missing section must be 3 neutrons
    • This is written as 3 straight n presubscript 0 presuperscript 1

Exam Tip

You need to remember that uranium and plutonium are possible elements for fission, but you do not need to know the specific daughter nuclei that are formed.

Use your knowledge of balancing nuclear equations to work these out.

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Author: Joanna

Joanna obtained her undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and completed her MSc in Education at Loughborough University. After a decade of teaching and leading the physics department in a high-performing academic school, Joanna now mentors new teachers and is currently studying part-time for her PhD at Leicester University. Her passions are helping students and learning about cool physics, so creating brilliant resources to help with exam preparation is her dream job!