Stacks (OCR A Level Computer Science)

Revision Note

James Woodhouse


Computer Science

Implementing a Stack

How Do You Program a Stack?

  • To recap the main operations of Stacks and how they work, follow this link

  • When programming a stack, the main operations listed below must be included in your program.

  • The main operations for Stacks are:

Main Operations





def isEmpty(self):

return len(self.stack) == 0

// Check if the stack is empty


// Output: true


# Push some items into the stack


// Push some items into the stack



  def peek(self):

        if not self.isEmpty():

            return self.stack[-1]


            return None

// Peek the top item in the stack

        int topItem = stack.peek();

        System.out.println("Top item: " + topItem);

// Output: Top item: 3


# Pop items from the stack

popped_item1 = stack.pop()

 // Pop items from the stack

 int poppedItem1 = stack.pop();


# Get the size of the stack

size = len(stack)

print("Size of the stack:", size) 

# Output: Size of the stack: 3

// Get the size of the stack

        int size = stack.size();

        System.out.println("Size of the stack: " + size);

// Output: Size of the stack: 3


  def isFull(self):

        return len(self.stack) == self.capacity

  public boolean isFull() {

        return (top == capacity - 1);


Programming a Stack in Python

Explanation of the Python Code

  • Class Stack: Defines a Python class, Stack, with a specified capacity and an empty list to store elements.

  • Push Method: Appends an item to the stack if the stack is not full; otherwise, it prints a message to say that it is not possible.

  • Pop Method: Removes and returns the top item from the stack if it's not empty; otherwise, it prints a message to say nothing can be popped as it is empty.

  • Peek Method: Returns the top item of the stack without removing it if the stack is not empty; otherwise, it will print a message to say the stack is empty.

  • Additional Operations: The code at the bottom includes methods to retrieve the stack size (size), check if the stack is empty (isEmpty), and check if the stack is full (isFull).

class Stack:

    def __init__(self, capacity):

        self.capacity = capacity

        self.stack = []

    def push(self, item):

        if len(self.stack) < self.capacity:


            print("Pushed item:", item)


            print("Stack is full. Cannot push item:", item)

    def pop(self):

        if not self.isEmpty():

            return self.stack.pop()


            print("Stack is empty. Cannot pop item.")

    def peek(self):

        if not self.isEmpty():

            return self.stack[-1]


            print("Stack is empty. Cannot peek.")

    def size(self):

        return len(self.stack)

    def isEmpty(self):

        return len(self.stack) == 0

    def isFull(self):

        return len(self.stack) == self.capacity

  • This code below is used to demonstrate the usage of the operations above with a stack of animals, pushing, popping, peeking, and checking the stack's status.

# Create a stack with a capacity of 5

stack = Stack(5)

# Push animals onto the stack






# Try pushing more animals than the capacity allows

stack.push("Giraffe")  # Output: Stack is full. Cannot push item: Giraffe

# Pop an animal from the stack

popped_animal = stack.pop()

print("Popped animal:", popped_animal)  # Output: Popped animal: Tiger

# Peek at the top animal of the stack

top_animal = stack.peek()

print("Top animal:", top_animal)  # Output: Top animal: Lion

# Get the size of the stack

stack_size = stack.size()

print("Stack size:", stack_size)  # Output: Stack size: 4

# Check if the stack is empty

is_empty = stack.isEmpty()

print("Is stack empty?", is_empty)  # Output: Is stack empty? False

# Check if the stack is full

is_full = stack.isFull()

print("Is stack full?", is_full)  # Output: Is stack full? False

Programming a Stack in Java

Explanation of the Java Code

  • AnimalStack Class: Defines a class named AnimalStack that uses the Stack class to implement a stack for storing animal names with a specified capacity.

  • Push Method: Adds an animal to the stack if it's not full; otherwise, it prints a message to say that it is not possible.

  • Pop Method: Removes and returns the top animal from the stack if it's not empty; otherwise, it prints a message to say that it is not possible and returns null.

  • Peek Method: Returns the top animal without removing it if the stack is not empty; otherwise, it prints a message to say that it is not possible and returns null.

  • Main Method Usage: Demonstrates the usage of the AnimalStack class with a stack of animals, showcasing pushing, popping, peeking, and checking stack size and status.

import java.util.Stack;

public class AnimalStack {

    private int capacity;

    private Stack<String> stack;

    public AnimalStack(int capacity) {

        this.capacity = capacity;

        this.stack = new Stack<>();


    public void push(String animal) {

        if (stack.size() < capacity) {


            System.out.println("Pushed item: " + animal);

        } else {

            System.out.println("Stack is full. Cannot push item: " + animal);



    public String pop() {

        if (!isEmpty()) {

            return stack.pop();

        } else {

            System.out.println("Stack is empty. Cannot pop item.");

            return null;



    public String peek() {

        if (!isEmpty()) {

            return stack.peek();

        } else {

            System.out.println("Stack is empty. Cannot peek.");

            return null;



    public int size() {

        return stack.size();


    public boolean isEmpty() {

        return stack.isEmpty();


    public boolean isFull() {

        return stack.size() == capacity;


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        AnimalStack stack = new AnimalStack(5);






        stack.push("Giraffe");  // Output: Stack is full. Cannot push item: Giraffe

        String poppedAnimal = stack.pop();

        System.out.println("Popped animal: " + poppedAnimal);  // Output: Popped animal: Tiger

        String topAnimal = stack.peek();

        System.out.println("Top animal: " + topAnimal);  // Output: Top animal: Lion

        int stackSize = stack.size();

        System.out.println("Stack size: " + stackSize);  // Output: Stack size: 4

        boolean isEmpty = stack.isEmpty();

        System.out.println("Is stack empty? " + isEmpty);  // Output: Is stack empty? false

        boolean isFull = stack.isFull();

        System.out.println("Is stack full? " + isFull);  // Output: Is stack full? false



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James Woodhouse

Author: James Woodhouse

James graduated from the University of Sunderland with a degree in ICT and Computing education. He has over 14 years of experience both teaching and leading in Computer Science, specialising in teaching GCSE and A-level. James has held various leadership roles, including Head of Computer Science and coordinator positions for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. James has a keen interest in networking security and technologies aimed at preventing security breaches.