Fractions, Decimals & Percentages (Edexcel IGCSE Maths A)



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  • How do you convert from a percentage to a decimal?

    To convert from a percentage to a decimal, divide by 100.

  • How do you convert from a decimal to a percentage?

    To convert from a decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100.

  • How do you convert from a terminating decimal to a fraction?

    To convert from a terminating decimal to a fraction, use place value. Whatever is the lowest place value (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc) is the denominator of the fraction. The numerator is just the digits of the decimal.

  • How do you convert from a percentage to a fraction?

    To convert from a percentage to a fraction, write the percentage over 100 and simplify if required.

  • How do you convert from a fraction to a decimal?

    To convert from a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.

  • How do you convert from a fraction to a percentage?

    To convert from a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator and then multiply it by 100.

  • True or False?

    The method for converting 0.3 with dot on top 2 with dot on top into a fraction involves multiplying it by 10 once and then subtracting the original decimal.


    The method for converting 0.3 with dot on top 2 with dot on top into a fraction involves multiplying it by 100 (not 10) and then subtracting the original decimal.

  • x equals 0.4 5 with dot on top.

    What is the next step to convert 0.4 5 with dot on top into a fraction?

    x equals 0.4 5 with dot on top.

    The next step to convert 0.4 5 with dot on top into a fraction is to multiply both sides of the equation by 10 to get the recurring part by itself.

    10 x equals 4.5 with dot on top

  • table row x equals cell 0.8 with dot on top 7 with dot on top end cell row cell 100 x end cell equals cell 87.8 with dot on top 7 with dot on top end cell end table

    What is the next step to convert 0.8 with dot on top 7 with dot on top into a fraction?

    table row x equals cell 0.8 with dot on top 7 with dot on top end cell row cell 100 x end cell equals cell 87.8 with dot on top 7 with dot on top end cell end table

    The next step to convert 0.8 with dot on top 7 with dot on top into a fraction is to subtract the second equation from the first to cancel out the recurring parts.

    99 x equals 87

  • x equals 0.7 1 with dot on top

    Which two multiples of x do you need in order to convert 0.7 1 with dot on top into a fraction?

    x equals 0.7 1 with dot on top

    To convert 0.7 1 with dot on top into a fraction, you need the multiples 10 x equals 7.1 with dot on top and 100 x equals 71.1 with dot on top.

  • True or False?

    One method to order fractions is to write all the fractions with a common numerator.


    One method to order fractions is to write all the fractions with a common denominator (not numerator).

  • How do you put decimals in order of size?

    To put decimals in order of size, use place value. Compare the digits in the tenths column, and then the hundredths column and so on. You can also make each number have the same number of digits after the decimal points by including extra zeros where necessary.

    0.6 = 0.60 = 0.600 = ...

  • How do you put fractions, decimals and percentages in order of size?

    To put fractions, decimals and percentages in order of size, convert all of them into decimals and then order the decimals.

  • Which decimal is bigger 0.659 or 0.67?

    0.67 is bigger than 0.659. You can write 0.67 as 0.670 to see this more easily.

  • True or False?

    4 over 29 is bigger than 4 over 27 because the numerators are the same and it has the bigger denominator.


    4 over 29 is not bigger than 4 over 27. In the first fraction, 4 is divided by a bigger number so the decimal will be smaller.

  • Which fraction is bigger: 17 over 40 or 21 over 40?

    21 over 40 is bigger than 17 over 40 because the denominators are the same and the numerator is bigger.