High & Low Level Languages (CIE IGCSE Computer Science)

Revision Note

Brett Murphy


Computer Science

High & Low Level Languages

Low Level Languages

  • Low Level Languages are languages that sit close to a computer’s instruction set. These are basic instructions that the CPU will understand 
  • For instance an assembly language​ which allows programmers to focus on programming simple commands, which in turn is converted into machine code This element is needed for the core hardware to be able to work with the software
  • These languages are written for specific processors to ensure they embed the correct machine architecture
  • Assembly Language - The code is written using mnemonics, abbreviated text commands such as LDA (Load), STO(Store) Using this language programmers can write human-readable programs that correspond almost exactly to machine code.
  • Machine code – is at the hardware level and is written in binary (1’s and 0’s)



It gives programmers complete control over the system components so it can control hardware components.

Difficult to write and understand

Efficient code can be written for the processor so it will occupy less memory and execute faster

Machine dependent and cannot be added to different specification machines

They provide direct manipulation of hardware which means it will be more efficient

More prone to errors

Communicates directly with hardware

Knowledge of computer architecture is key to program effectively

High Level Languages

  • High Level Languages are programming languages which use English-like statements which allow users to program with easy to use code, allow for clear debugging and once programs are created they become easier to maintain
  • High level languages were needed more due to the development of processor speeds and memory capacity increasing
  • Examples of these languages are Python, C#, Java etc​



It is easier to read and write and the programmer is less likely to make mistakes

The user is not able to directly manipulate the hardware

It is easier to debug so it will save time

Needs to be translated to machine code before running

The code is portable so can be used on any computer

The program may be less efficient

One line of code can perform multiple commands


Exam Tip

  • You will be asked about the advantages and disadvantages of high or low level languages or you will be asked to compare and contrast between the two types of language

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Brett Murphy

Author: Brett Murphy

Brett is a passionate Computer Science teacher of over 9 years, he has taught in a number of schools across the Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire regions. His aim is to bridge gaps and allow learners to build confidence and thrive within the subject and believe in themselves to succeed. Brett has continued to improve on practice by continuing to develop and implement resources to support learners in understanding the core concepts to succeed in their exams.