AQA A Level Physics

Topic Questions

8.1 Alpha, Beta & Gamma Radiation

1a6 marks

Ionising radiation often comes in three forms: alpha, beta and gamma. 

Table 1 below shows information about the properties of each type of radiation. 

Table 1


Nuclear notation

Relative charge







beta presubscript negative 1 end presubscript presuperscript 0







 Complete the missing information in Table 1.

1b3 marks

Science departments in many schools often handle radioactive sources and emitters of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. 

State three safety precautions that must be followed when handling radioactive sources.

1c3 marks

Following a particularly worrisome accident, a room was contaminated with dust containing americium, which is an alpha emitter.

Explain what is meant by the term ‘contaminated’ 
Explain the most dangerous aspect of the presence of this dust to someone entering the room.
1d1 mark

In different contexts, alpha emitters are useful. 

State one useful application of alpha emitting radiation.

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2a1 mark

Ose designs an experiment to investigate whether Radium–222, which is a source of gamma radiation, obeys an inverse square law. 

A diagram of the equipment and planned setup is shown in Figure 1 below. 

Figure 1


He notices that even without the gamma source in place, the datalogger detects radiation. 

Identify what the datalogger is detecting without the gamma source in place.

2b5 marks

With the gamma source still safely stored away, Ose decides to move around the laboratory and take three separate measurements of this unnamed source of radiation. 

The average activity from this unnamed source is measured as 8 Bq.  

He then unpacks the gamma source and sets it in place. He measures and records the activity A at equal intervals of distance d across two trials, as shown in Table 1 below: 

Table 1

Distance        d / cm

Activity A / Bq

(Trial 1)

Activity A / Bq

(Trial 2)

Average Activity / Bq

Corrected Average

C / Bq




































 Some of the data is not shown in Table 1.

Describe how the data in the Corrected Average column is calculated

Complete the data in the Corrected Average

2c1 mark

Ose plots a graph of the corrected average activity A against 1 over d squared , where d is the distance.  

He notices that the graph is a straight line through the origin. 

State what Ose should conclude about the activity of the gamma emitter Radium–222.

2d2 marks

In order to improve his experiment, Ose considers sources of systemic error. 

He realises a potential systematic error is that Radium–222 may not be a pure gamma emitter. 

Therefore, to ensure only gamma radiation is detected by the datalogger, he plans to shield the Geiger-Muller tube with a sheet of thin aluminium.

Explain why shielding the Geiger-Muller tube with a thin sheet of aluminium ensures only gamma radiation is detected by the datalogger.


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3a5 marks

Table 1 categorises sources of background radiation, according to whether they are naturally occurring or artificial (i.e. created by humans). 

Table 18-1-s-q--q3a-table-easy-aqa-a-level-physics

Complete Table 1 by putting a in the correct column to indicate whether each source of background radiation is natural or artificial. 

            One has been completed for you. 

3b2 marks

Describe how background radiation is accounted for when carrying out experiments involving ionising radiation.

3c2 marks

Radioactive sources have many useful applications, especially in medical contexts. 

Identify two applications for radioactive sources in medical contexts 

3d2 marks

Doctors, nurses, engineers and other medical staff need to be very conscious of the dangers posed to them due to exposure to the radioactive sources they work with.


State one danger posed to medical staff due to working with radioactive sources


Describe how the risk of danger you have identified can be minimised

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4a6 marks

Figure 1 shows an incomplete excerpt from a set of revision notes on ionising radiation. 

Figure 1


Select words from the list given below to complete the gaps in the set of revision notes shown in Figure 1. 










4b4 marks

The revision notes include an equation to calculate the specific charge of a particle, written as: 

         specific charge = fraction numerator t o t a l space c h a r g e over denominator t o t a l space m a s s end fraction


Calculate the total charge of an alpha particle in coulombs, C


Calculate the total mass of an alpha particle in kilograms, kg

4c3 marks

Give an alternative description for a beta particle


Use the equation given in part (b) to calculate the specific charge of a beta particle

4d2 marks

Identify one similarity and one difference between alpha particles and beta particles.

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5a2 marks

Ionising radiation has many useful applications. 

Beta radiation, for instance, is used in industry to monitor and control the thickness of mass produced sheets of paper, and aluminium foil. 

A radioactive source that emits beta radiation is held in place over the sheet of paper, and a Geiger-Muller tube (G–M tube) is secured directly below it in order to measure the activity of the radioactive source. The G–M tube is connected to machinery that can control the separation of rollers, which control the thickness of the paper. 

Figure 1 shows a simplified diagram of this process:  

Figure 1


Describe how the activity measured by the G­–M tube would vary if:


The paper was too thick


A radioactive source emitting alpha radiation was used instead of beta radiation.

5b2 marks

Table 1 shows two radioactive isotopes that are pure beta emitters. 

               Table 1


Half-life / years





Using the information in Table 1: 

State which isotope is more suitable for use in monitoring sheet thickness
Give a reason for your answer
5c1 mark

The properties of ionising radiation that make it so useful is related to the study of the structure of atoms. 

Evidence that atoms had an internal structure was confirmed by Ernest Rutherford. He was able to show that a thin sheet of gold foil scattered ionising radiation in ways that could not be explained by accepted models of atomic structure at the time. 

State the type of ionising radiation that was scattered by gold foil in Rutherford’s experiment.

5d2 marks

Atomic structure models changed drastically during the time of Rutherford and the early founders of modern atomic theory. 

Each of the observations from Rutherford’s experiment had profound implications about how atoms were structured. Rutherford was able to draw conclusions about the atomic structure that still hold in atomic theory to this day.  

In the space provided below, match each observation from Rutherford’s experiment to its corresponding conclusion about atomic structure. 

One has been completed for you. 


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1a2 marks

gamma ray detector with a cross-sectional area of 2.2 × 10–3 m2 when facing the source is placed 0.48 m from the source. A corrected count rate of 0.92 counts s–1 is recorded. 

Assume the source emits gamma rays uniformly in all directions.

Show that the ratio fraction numerator number space of space straight gamma space photons space incident space on space detector over denominator number space of space straight gamma space photons space produced space by space sources end fraction is about 8 × 10–4.

1b3 marks

Calculate the corrected count rate when the detector is moved 0.20 m further from the source.

1c3 marks

A student measures background radiation three times for one minute using a detector and determines that background radiation has a mean count-rate of 60 counts per minute. She then places a gamma ray source 0.25 m from the detector as shown in Figure 1 below. 

Figure 1


With this separation the average count per minute was 1850. 

The student then moves the detector further from the gamma ray source and records the count-rate again. 

Calculate the average count-rate she would expect to record when the source is placed 1.50 m from the detector.

1d3 marks

Suggest why the student measured the background radiation and state, with an explanation, how they could improve the accuracy of the readings.

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2a2 marks

Scientists working with radioactive sources need to be aware of the radiation dosage received when working with sources that are potentially harmful. 

One laboratory’s safety guidelines give indications of the minimum safe distance to work from radioactive sources. A section of these guidelines is shown in Figure 1. 

Figure 1

Minimum safe distance from γ sources with shielding

1.00 m

Minimum safe distance from γ sources without shielding

1.25 m


A freshly prepared source of Potassium-42 has an activity of 3.5 × 107 Bq. Potassium-42 decays with a half-life of 12 hours, with 80% of decaying nuclei emitting β particles and the remaining 20% emitting gamma rays. 

To determine the dose received by a scientist working with the source the number of gamma ray photons incident on each cm2 of the body must be known. 

A scientist is initially working 1.50 m from the fresh source with no shielding. 

Show that at this distance approximately 25 gamma ray photons per second are incident on each cm2 of the scientist’s body.

2b4 marks

The scientist returns 2 hours later, without shielding, and works at a distance where they receive about 21 photons per second on each cm2 of their body. 

Determine whether the scientist is at a safe distance from the source according to the laboratory guidelines.

2c4 marks

The safety guidelines in Figure 1 do not include any reference to sources of β emission. 

Explain why β emission does not need to be considered when calculating the dose of radiation the scientist receives from the source and suggest further considerations that should be included in the guidelines.

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3a2 marks

The study of beta decay provided early hints to the existence of a yet undiscovered particle. 

Scientists were interested in the energy distribution of the beta particles emitted when a radioactive source decayed. The source was known to have an activity of 120 Bq and a half-life of 10 h. 

The energy released by each decaying nucleus was labelled as X and the total energy released each second by the source was measured to be 7.5 × 10–11 J. 

The energy distribution of the beta particles is shown in Figure 1: 

Figure 1


Explain why no beta particles had an energy equal to X. 

3b2 marks

Determine the value of X to an appropriate degree of accuracy.

3c3 marks

Calculate the number of atoms remaining in the source after 24 hours. 

3d3 marks

The measured count rate of the source was 100 counts per second, which was slightly lower than the activity of the source.

Account for the difference between activity and measured count rate.

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4a4 marks

A physics undergraduate is presented with a set of data which was collected during an experiment to investigate the inverse-square law for gamma radiation. The data is shown in Table 1. 

Table 1

Distance, x

First Corrected Count Rate C / min–1

Second Corrected Count Rate C / min–1

Average Corrected Count Rate C / min–1






































A note next to the data suggests the experimenter used a metre rule and a GM tube with a counter to conduct the experiment, and that background radiation was measured to be 3 counts per minute.  

The undergraduate suggests three improvements to the set of data. They propose:

  • Two improvements to the presentation of experimental data in Table 1
  • One improvement to Table 1 to include processed data. Two additional columns would help provide evidence to demonstrate gamma radiation follows an inverse-square law 

By considering the information provided and the data in Table 1, identify the three improvements suggested by the undergraduate.

4b3 marks

Explain how processed data in two additional columns inTable 1 could illustrate that gamma radiation follows an inverse-square law.

4c3 marks

Suggest an alternative approach to determining if gamma radiation follows an inverse-square law from processed data.

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1a2 marks

Rutherford used the scattering of alpha particles to provide evidence for the structure of the atom. The apparatus includes an alpha particle source fired at a gold foil inside a vacuum chamber. 

Explain why it is essential for there to be a vacuum in the chamber.

1b3 marks

Figure 1 shows alpha particles incident on a layer of atoms in a gold foil. 

On Figure 1, draw the complete path followed by each of the alpha particles shown.


1c3 marks

Sketch a labelled diagram showing the experimental arrangement of the apparatus used by Rutherford.

1d6 marks

State and explain the results of the scattering experiment. 

Your answer should include the following:

  • The main observations
  • The significance of each observation
  • How the observations placed an upper limit on the nuclear radius 

The quality of your written communication will be assessed in your answer.

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2a3 marks

Figure 1 shows an arrangement used to maintain a constant thickness of a sheet of paper or steel as it is being rolled. A radioactive source and detector are used to monitor the thickness. 

Figure 1


Explain briefly how this arrangement works.

2b4 marks

Alpha, beta or gamma sources could be selected for use in such an arrangement. 

State which source should be selected for each material, paper and steel, and explain briefly why the others would not be suitable.

2c2 marks

State which type of radiation, alpha, beta or gamma : 

(i)         Produces the greatest number of ion pairs per mm in air. 

(ii)        Could be used to test for cracks in metal pipes.

2d3 marks

Specific radioisotope sources are chosen for tracing the passage of particular substances through the human body. 

State and explain: 

(i)         Which type of emitting source is commonly used. 

(ii)        Why the source should not have a very short half-life. 

(iii)       Why the source should not have a very long half-life.

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3a4 marks

The exposure of the general public to background radiation has changed substantially over the past 100 years. 


(i)         Two man-made sources of radiation that has contributed to this change. 

(ii)        Two sources of natural background radiation.

3b3 marks

A Geiger counter is placed near a radioactive source and different materials are placed between the source and the Geiger counter. 

The results of the tests are shown in the table. 


Count rate of Geiger counter / s–1





Aluminium foil


Thick steel


 State and explain which type of radiation is emitted by the source.

3c2 marks

gamma ray detector is used to measure the count rate of a radioactive source. It has a cross-sectional area of 2.2 × 10–3 m2 when facing the source. 

Explain why the detector is not able to detect all of the radiation emitted from the source.

3d3 marks

Two measurements of the source’s corrected count rate are recorded in Table 1. 

Table 1

Distance from source / m

Corrected count rate / counts s­–1





Calculate the missing data from Table 1.

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4a3 marks

Alpha and beta emissions are known as ionising radiations.  

(i)         Which ionising radiation produces the greatest number of ion pairs per mm in air?Tick () the correct answer in Table

                     Table 1

α particles


β particles


γ rays





(ii)        State and explain why such radiations can be described as ionising.

4b4 marks

(i)         Complete Table 2 showing the typical maximum range in air for alpha and beta particles.                

               Table 2

Type of radiation

Typical range in air / m






(ii)        State and explain which particle has a greater range in air.

4c2 marks

gamma rays have a range of at least 1 km in air.

However, a  gamma ray detector placed 0.5 m from a gamma ray source detects a noticeably smaller count-rate as it is moved a few centimetres further away from the source. 

Explain this observation.

4d2 marks

Following an accident, a room is contaminated with dust containing americium which is an alpha − emitter. 

Explain the most hazardous aspect of the presence of this dust to an unprotected human entering the room

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5a2 marks

Radiation is a safe and cost-effective method for sterilising surgical instruments. However, some members of the public worry that irradiated surgical instruments become radioactive once sterilised.

Suggest, with a reason, which type of radiation is likely to be the most appropriate for this purpose.
Explain why the public need not worry about this method of sterilisation.
5b3 marks

A student detects the counts from a radioactive source using a G-M radiation detector as shown in Figure 1. 

Figure 1


The student measures the count rate for three different distances d. Table 1 shows the count rate, in counts per minute, corrected for background for each of these distances. 

Table 1


Corrected count rate / counts per minute


39 000






Explain, with the aid of suitable calculations, why the data in Table 1 are not consistent with an inverse-square law.

5c2 marks

State two possible reasons why the results in Table 1 do not follow the expected inverse-square law.

5d4 marks

Technetium (Tc-99m) is an isotope commonly used in a number of medical diagnostic imaging scans. It has a half-life of 6 hours. 

Explain why this isotope of technetium is often chosen as a suitable source of radiation for use in medical diagnosis. 

You may be awarded an additional mark for the quality of written communication in your answer.

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