CIE IGCSE Maths: Core

Topic Questions

Syllabus Edition

First teaching 2021

Last exams 2024


Compound Measures - Speed, Density, Pressure

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1 mark

George drives 315 km from the café to the airport.
The journey takes 3 hours 30 minutes.

Calculate his average speed.

......................................... km/h 

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2 marks

A speedboat travels at 84 kilometres per hour.

Change this speed into metres per minute.

...................................... m/min 

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1 mark

Ivan walks 1.5 km from his home to Kingswood Park.
He takes 20 minutes.

Work out Ivan’s average speed in kilometres per hour.

....................................... km/h

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1 mark

Liz takes 65 seconds to run 400m.

Calculate her average speed.

.......................... m/s

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1 mark

The distance between Madrid and Buenos Aires is 10050km.
A flight from Madrid to Buenos Aires takes 12 hours 30 minutes.

Calculate the average speed, in km/h, for the return flight.

........................................ km/h

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4 marks

A plane flies from Melbourne to Tokyo at an average speed of 783 km/h.
The distance from Melbourne to Tokyo is 8352 km.
The plane leaves Melbourne at 0952 local time.
The local time in Tokyo is 2 hours behind the local time in Melbourne.

Find the local time in Tokyo when the plane arrives.

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5 marks

A car travels at a constant speed of 45 kilometres per hour for 5 minutes.
Each wheel of the car has radius 25 centimetres.

Calculate the number of complete revolutions that a wheel makes during the 5 minutes.

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6 marks

The diagram shows the path of a plane from airport A to airport B.


Show that the distance between space A spaceand B is 375km.
The plane flies at an average speed of 450km/h.
It leaves A at 1445 and flies directly to B.

Work out the time the plane arrives at B.

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3 marks

The next train from Southford to Teignley is at 18:12.
The journey is 76 km and the train travels at an average speed of 48 km/h.

Work out the time that the train arrives in Teignley.

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7 marks

The distance between Lexford Station and Crowton Station is 6.5km.

A train travels between these stations at an average speed of 39km/h.
Work out how long, in minutes, it takes the train to travel between these stations.

............................. min [3]

Each wheel on the train has a diameter of 1.8m.
Work out the number of complete turns each wheel makes in travelling the 6.5km.


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3 marks

Ramond walks 2460 metres in 33 minutes.

Work out Ramond’s average speed in kilometres per hour.

........................................ km/h 

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2 marks

Kiran leaves home at 9.45 am.
She drives 135 km to visit a friend.
She arrives at her friend’s house at 11.15 am.

Work out her average speed in km/h.

........................................... km/h 

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3 marks

A car travels at a constant speed of 20 m/s.

Work out the time it takes for the car to travel 10 km.
Give your answer in minutes and seconds. 

..................... minutes ..................... seconds 

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3 marks

A car travels at 108 km/h for 20 seconds.

Calculate the distance the car travels.
Give your answer in metres.

............................... m 

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1 mark

Louise leaves home at 09 55 and cycles the 5.6km to the supermarket at a constant speed.
She takes 15 minutes to complete the journey.

Write down the time she arrives at the supermarket.

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3 marks

Calculate Louise’s average speed from her home to the supermarket

in kilometres per hour, [1]

in metres per second, giving your answer correct to 1 decimal place.
......................... m/s [2]

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