Edexcel GCSE Physics: Combined Science

Topic Questions

5.1 Electromagnetic Waves

1a2 marks
Figure 1 shows the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Figure 1

Which row of the table names the parts J, K and L of the electromagnetic spectrum?

  J K L
A infrared radio ultraviolet
B radio infrared ultraviolet
C ultraviolet infrared radio
D ultraviolet radio infrared


All electromagnetic waves can travel in a vacuum.

Which of these is the same for all electromagnetic waves travelling in a vacuum?

  A amplitude
  B frequency
  C speed
  D wavelength


1b2 marks

X-rays can be useful and harmful to humans.

State one way that X-rays are useful to humans.
State one way that X-rays are harmful to humans.

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Sme Calculator
1 mark

Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?

square   A   Gamma

square   B   Microwave

square   C   Ultraviolet

square   D   Infrared

Sme Calculator
1 mark

Which of the following electromagnetic waves transfers the greatest amount of energy?

square   A   Radio waves

square   B   X-rays

square   C   Visible light

square   D   Ultraviolet

Sme Calculator
3 marks

The table shows some EM waves. 

Identify the waves that all travel at the same speed in air by placing a tick () in the relevant box in the table. 

EM Waves Place a tick () to identify the waves that travel at the same speed in air
The red part of visible light  
The violet part of visible light  
Radio waves  
Gamma radiation  
Sme Calculator
3 marks

Certain types of electromagnetic radiation can have harmful effects on humans.

Use words from the box to complete the following sentences.
wavelength frequency cancer treatments communications ionising


The higher the energy, the greater the ............................. of the radiation.

High-energy radiation is  ............................. which can be harmful to cells.

Therefore, lower energy radiation is used for ............................. because it is less harmful to humans.

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Sme Calculator
4 marks

State two types of electromagnetic radiation that can be harmful to humans, and describe the potential danger they possess.

Sme Calculator
1 mark
Which row of the table correctly describes the use and reason for use of the following EM waves?


   EM wave Use Reason
  square  A



long-range communication reflected from Earth's atmosphere
  square  B



satellite communication reflected from Earth's atmosphere
  square  C



satellite communication penetrate Earth's atmosphere
  square  D



long-range communication penetrate Earth's atmosphere
Sme Calculator
2 marks

State two types of EM waves that can be absorbed by the electrons of atoms causing them to move to a higher energy level.

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1a3 marks

Draw one line from each use of wave to the matching electromagnetic wave.
One line has been drawn for you.


1b1 mark

Ultraviolet light has a higher frequency than infrared light.

Which of these colours of visible light has the highest frequency?

  A blue
  B green
  C orange
  D yellow
1c2 marks
Figure 1 shows how the brightness of a source of light changes with wavelength.


Figure 1

Describe how the brightness changes with wavelength.

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2a2 marks
Figure 7 shows a tuning fork.


Figure 7

When the prongs of the tuning fork are struck, the prongs vibrate in the directions shown by the arrows on Figure 7.

Describe how the vibrating tuning fork causes a sound wave to travel through the air.

You may add to the diagram if it helps your answer.

2b4 marks

The following descriptions describe waves from different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Complete each description by adding the name of the wave.

Use the name of each wave only once. Each description refers to a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Description 1

used in cooking

used in short-range communication

typical wavelength 900 nm

name of wave ..................................................

Description 2

used in cooking

used in communication

typical wavelength 150 mm

name of wave ...............................................

Description 3

used in communication

produced by oscillations in electrical circuits

typical wavelength 150 m

name of wave .............................................

Description 4

used in medical scanning

is emitted by the nucleus of an atom

typical wavelength 2.0 × 10−3 nm

name of wave ..............................................

2c3 marks

Higher Only


When white light crosses the boundary between air and glass, it can split up into the colours of the spectrum.

Explain, in terms of speed, why the light behaves like this.

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3a1 mark

Visible light travels at a speed of 3.00 × 108 m/s in a vacuum.

State the speed with which gamma radiation travels through space.

3b4 marks

Table 1 shows an incomplete list of the electromagnetic spectrum.

gamma     visible      


Table 1

Complete Table 1 by filling in the missing EM waves.
Suggest what the arrow is indicating.
3c2 marks

Higher Tier Only

Figure 1 shows an X-ray of a broken bone. 


Figure 1


Describe the interaction between the X-rays and 


soft tissue.
3d1 mark
X-rays are dangerous to work with because they have a high frequency and transfer large amounts of energy. 

People who work with X-rays need to take precautions to keep themselves safe.


Suggest one way that workers can keep themselves safe when working with X-rays.

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4a3 marks

Figure 1 shows a radio wave. Each 1 cm square is equal to 2 m.



Figure 1

State the wavelength of the radio wave in Figure 1.
On Figure 1, sketch a wave that has a greater amplitude and lower frequency.
4b4 marks
A radio wave with a frequency of 20 GHz travels through the vacuum of space.

Calculate the wavelength of this radio wave.

The speed of light in a vacuum is 3.00 × 108 m/s

wavelength = .................................... m
4c2 marks
Give two useful applications of radio waves.
4d2 marks
Explain why radio waves are safe for humans to use.

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5a1 mark
Which list shows electromagnetic radiation in order of decreasing wavelength?

square   A   Gamma, X-ray, microwave

square   B   Microwaves, visible light, radio waves

square   C   Microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet

square   D   Ultraviolet, microwaves, radio waves

5b1 mark
Which of the following statements about infrared radiation is correct?


square   A   Used to send communication signals

square   B   Used to treat cancerous tumours

square   C   Used to take images of bones through the skin

square   D   Used for cooking

5c3 marks
State which region of the electromagnetic spectrum is used in each situation.

Security marking on banknotes.
Motion sensors.
Fibre optic communications.
5d3 marks

An optical fibre is inserted into a patient's body to examine the liver during keyhole surgery.

Explain why visible light is more useful and safer than X-rays during this surgery.

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