Factors Affecting the Choice of Statistical Test (AQA A Level Psychology)

Revision Note

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Claire Neeson


Psychology Content Creator

Factors Affecting the Choice of Statistical Test

Which statistical tests do I need to know about?

  • The Mann-Whitney test (non-parametric)
  • The Wilcoxon test (non-parametric)
  • Chi-squared test (non-parametric)
  • Spearmans’ rho (non-parametric)
  • Unrelated t-test (parametric)
  • Related t-test (parametric)
  • Pearson’s r (parametric)

The difference between parametric and non-parametric tests

  • Parametric tests assume a normal distribution; non-parametric tests do not
  • Parametric tests use interval data: non-parametric tests may use nominal or ordinal data
  • Parametric tests assume homogeneity of variance; non-parametric tests do not
  • Parametric tests are more powerful than non-parametric tests

What factors determine the choice of statistical test?

  • Is it a test of difference i.e. a lab experiment or a test of association i.e. a correlation?
  • Is the design independent measures, repeated measures or matched pairs (tests of difference only)?
  • Is the data nominal, ordinal or interval?
  • Nominal data is data arranged in categories; ordinal data is data which can be ranked without each value being equal in measurement; interval data is data where the intervals between each value are equal in measurement


Godden & Baddeley’s (1975) research on context-dependent forgetting using divers is an example of a test of difference: a ‘deeply’ interesting study…











Sign Test




Wilcoxon test

Mann-Whitney test

Spearman’s rho


Related t-test

Unrelated t-test

Pearson’s r


Worked example


Bella has conducted research using elite athletes as her sample. She measured the body temperature of her participants who had either just run 10K or had rested for 30 minutes. Bella wants to carry out a parametric test on this data.

Explain whether or not Bella will be able to carry out a parametric test on this data. Justify your answer.  [4]

AO2 = 4 marks

For full marks the answer should state that Bella should be able to carry out a parametric test as her data is interval (temperature measurements have distinct and equal intervals between each measurement); she can expect to see a normal distribution of data (because all of the participants are elite athletes they are likely to experience similar body temperatures during exercise or when resting; plus body temperature is a relatively stable variable). She can also expect homogeneity of variance (the standard deviations per condition are likely to be similar due to the nature of the sample – all elite athletes who are likely to have similar levels of health and fitness).

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Claire Neeson

Author: Claire Neeson

Claire has been teaching for 34 years, in the UK and overseas. She has taught GCSE, A-level and IB Psychology which has been a lot of fun and extremely exhausting! Claire is now a freelance Psychology teacher and content creator, producing textbooks, revision notes and (hopefully) exciting and interactive teaching materials for use in the classroom and for exam prep. Her passion (apart from Psychology of course) is roller skating and when she is not working (or watching 'Coronation Street') she can be found busting some impressive moves on her local roller rink.

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