Defence Mechanisms (AQA A Level Psychology)

Revision Note

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Claire Neeson


Psychology Content Creator

Defence Mechanisms

  • Defence mechanisms are used by the ego to help it balance the conflicting demands of the Id and Superego
  • These mechanisms are unconscious and ensure the ego is able to prevent us from being overwhelmed by temporary traumas and/or threats 
  • Displacement 
    • The focus of a strong emotion is expressed onto a neutral person or object, which reduces anxiety as it allows the expression of that strong emotion e.g. I shout at my husband because I cannot shout at my boss
  • Repression 
    • Unpleasant memories are pushed down into the unconscious mind and so are unable to cause anxiety e.g. I have 'locked down' my memories of being bullied so that they do not have the power to harm me
  • Denial 
    • Refusal to accept the reality of an unpleasant situation, which stops the situation from causing anxiety e.g. I am sure that my partner loves me even though she frequently stays out all night

Worked example

Sophie has been to see her doctor as she has been experiencing chest pains and a persistent cough for months. Her doctor tells Sophie that she should stop smoking as this is likely to be the cause of her symptoms which may ultimately lead to her developing a life-threatening illness such as lung cancer. Sophie decides that the doctor is mistaken and she continues to smoke 20 cigarettes a day even though her symptoms begin to get worse.

AO2 = 3 marks

Identify which of Freud's defence mechanisms Sophie is using. Refer to the stem to support your answer.

For 1 mark the response should identify denial as the defence mechanism. 

For a further 2 marks the response should pick out relevant examples from the stem e.g. Sophie continues to smoke even when warned of the possible consequences; Sophie's doctor has shown concern over Sophie's condition but Sophie ignores this; Sophie may be ignoring the doctor's advice as, deep down, she is worried and does not wish to confront the truth.

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Claire Neeson

Author: Claire Neeson

Claire has been teaching for 34 years, in the UK and overseas. She has taught GCSE, A-level and IB Psychology which has been a lot of fun and extremely exhausting! Claire is now a freelance Psychology teacher and content creator, producing textbooks, revision notes and (hopefully) exciting and interactive teaching materials for use in the classroom and for exam prep. Her passion (apart from Psychology of course) is roller skating and when she is not working (or watching 'Coronation Street') she can be found busting some impressive moves on her local roller rink.

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