The Study of Internal Mental Processes (AQA A Level Psychology)

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Claire Neeson


Psychology Content Creator

The Cognitive Approach: The Study of Internal Mental Processes

The Cognitive Approach involves the study of internal mental processes (IMP), for example:

    • Memory
    • Thinking
    • Attention
    • Perception
    • Language
  • The above processes are internal as psychologists (and everyday people!) know they are happening but they cannot be directly observed in the same way that,say, biological processes (e.g. brain structures) can
  • In order to investigate IMP researchers must run research and make inferences from their findings e.g. Peterson & Peterson inferred that STM has a duration of around 18 seconds but they could not prove this
  • Cognitive psychologists they use theoretical and computer models to understand IMP
  • Models are used to provide testable theories about mental processes
  • Cognitive psychologists use scientific methodology to investigate IMP (if a theory is testable it means it is scientific)

Theoretical models

  • Theoretical models are diagrammatic representations of IMP; they work in a similar way to flow charts used in computer programming 
  • One theoretical model studied on the AQA specification is the Multi-Store Model of Memory (MSM):
    • The MSM is a linear model outlining the stages involved in memory 
    • The MSM demonstrates the flow of information as input-storage-retrieval in a systematic way
    • It is possible to test the MSM using lab experiments e.g. Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)
  • The MSM is an example of the information processing approach, which explains that:
    • information flows through the cognitive system in stages
    • the information is transformed
    • for example, sensory information enters memory via the sensory register
    • information that has been paid attention to is transferred to STM
    • if information is rehearsed, it will transfer to LTM
    • any information which is not rehearsed is displaced (forgotten)

Computer models 

  • The cognitive approach conceptualises the mind using the 'computer analogy'
  • Information processing in the mind is viewed as being similar to that of a computer:
    • Encoding/coding: computers use alphanumeric codes to complete specific actions; the mind interprets environmental stimuli e.g. the sound of a train passing, the texture of a velvet jacket
    • Storage: computers store data on a hard drive - the mind's equivalent of a hard drive is LTM 
    • Output: a computer's output includes text, music, images, video; the mind's output includes speech, behavioural responses, thoughts
  • Computer models are the basis for the development of artificial intelligence 
  • Computational modelling has in turn highlighted how the brain carries out a range of functions e.g. anticipating a reward, planning and problem-solving

Evaluation of the study of internal mental processes


  • The use of lab experiments increases the reliability of the cognitive approach methodology with its use of controlled conditions and  replicable standardised procedures
  • The study of IMP has good scientific validity, particularly with the emergence of cognitive neuroscience


  • The study of IMP is an example of machine reductionism i.e. it is overly contrived and unlike real, unpredictable, multi-faceted, emotional human behaviour
  • The fact that IMP can only be inferred means that this approach to explaining behaviour is overly abstract and detached from real life, thus it lacks external validity

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Claire Neeson

Author: Claire Neeson

Claire has been teaching for 34 years, in the UK and overseas. She has taught GCSE, A-level and IB Psychology which has been a lot of fun and extremely exhausting! Claire is now a freelance Psychology teacher and content creator, producing textbooks, revision notes and (hopefully) exciting and interactive teaching materials for use in the classroom and for exam prep. Her passion (apart from Psychology of course) is roller skating and when she is not working (or watching 'Coronation Street') she can be found busting some impressive moves on her local roller rink.

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