Asch & Variables for Conformity (AQA A Level Psychology)

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Head of Humanities & Social Sciences

Asch & Variables for Conformity

Variables affecting conformity include group size, unanimity and task difficulty as investigated by Asch.

Asch 1951:  A classic study of conformity

Asch wanted to investigate whether people would conform to the majority in situations where an answer was obvious


  • Participants were tested in groups of 6 to 8 
  • Each group was presented with a standard line and three comparison lines
  • Participants had to say aloud which comparison line matched the standard line in length
  • In each group there was only one genuine (naive) participant the remaining were confederates
  • The genuine participant was seated second to last and did not know the other participants were fake participants
  • The fake confederate participants all gave the same incorrect answer
  • Confederates were told to give the incorrect answer on 12 out of 18 trails


  • On average, the genuine participants agreed with the confederates' incorrect answers 36.8% of the time:
    • Genuine participants conformed a third of the time
  • 75% of the sample conformed to the majority on at least one trial
  • 25% of participants never gave a wrong answer, which shows there were individual differences


Artificial situation and task 

  • One limitation of Asch's reach is that it is artificial in both task and situation
  • Participants may have gone along with what was expected as they knew they were in a research study (Demand Characteristics) 
  • The task was trivial and did not impact the participants in their 'real life', which means there was no reason not to conform
  • Findings do not generalise to real-world situations, especially where there could be important consequences to conformity

Limited application 

  • Another limitation, Asch's participants were all men from the USA 
  • Other research has suggested that women may be more conformist due to their concern with social relationships 
  • The USA is an individualist culture (where people are concerned with themselves as the individual more so than in collectivist cultures where they are concerned with their social groups)
  • Findings tell us little about how women or those from other cultures may confirm

Research support 

  • One strength of Asch's research is it has been supported by other studies
  • Lucas et al (2006) asked participants to solve easy and hard maths problems and found participants conformed to the wrong answer more often when the problems were hard
  • This supports Asch's claim that task difficulty is one variable that effects conformity
  • However, Lucas et al (2006) also found that conformity is more complex than suggested by Asch
  • They found individual-level factors can influence conformity and those who were confident in their maths skills were less likely to conform
  • Asch did not research the roles of individual factors 

Ethical issues

  • The genuine (naive) participants were deceived as they thought the confederates were also participants
  • However, it can be argued that this ethical cost does not outweigh the findings of the research

Exam Tip

On a 16-mark question, you will be expected to describe Asch's study before evaluating it.

Keep this clear and concise to allow for the development of the evaluation.

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Author: Jenna

Jenna studied at Cardiff University before training to become a science teacher at the University of Bath specialising in Biology (although she loves teaching all three sciences at GCSE level!). Teaching is her passion, and with 10 years experience teaching across a wide range of specifications – from GCSE and A Level Biology in the UK to IGCSE and IB Biology internationally – she knows what is required to pass those Biology exams.

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