The Function of the Endocrine System (AQA A Level Psychology)

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Claire Neeson


Psychology Content Creator

The Function of the Endocrine System

  • The human endocrine system is composed of glands that secrete chemicals called hormones directly into the bloodstream
  • The blood carries the hormone around the body, and when it reaches a target cell/organ it produces an effect
  • Compared to the nervous system the effects of hormones are slower but they act for longer
  • Important structures in the endocrine system are:
    • Pituitary gland: the ‘master gland’ making hormones e.g. Follicle Stimulating Hormone
    • The pancreas: produces insulin which regulates the blood glucose level
    • The thyroid: produces thyroxine which controls the metabolic rate and affects growth
    • Adrenal glands: produces adrenaline
    • Ovaries (females): produce estrogen
    • Testes (males): produce testosterone

The major endocrine glands in the body, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notes

The major endocrine glands in the body secrete hormones which circulate around the body in the bloodstream

Pituitary Gland

  • The pituitary gland in the brain is a ‘master gland’ which secretes several hormones into the blood in response to body conditions
  • These hormones in turn act on other glands to stimulate other hormones to be released to bring about effects
    • For example, in certain conditions, the pituitary gland makes and secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) which stimulates the thyroid to release thyroxine

How hormones work, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notes

Hormones are synthesized and released into the bloodstream from a gland (such as the pituitary gland) and circulate in the bloodstream, having an effect on target cells

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Claire Neeson

Author: Claire Neeson

Claire has been teaching for 34 years, in the UK and overseas. She has taught GCSE, A-level and IB Psychology which has been a lot of fun and extremely exhausting! Claire is now a freelance Psychology teacher and content creator, producing textbooks, revision notes and (hopefully) exciting and interactive teaching materials for use in the classroom and for exam prep. Her passion (apart from Psychology of course) is roller skating and when she is not working (or watching 'Coronation Street') she can be found busting some impressive moves on her local roller rink.

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