Bar Charts & Pictograms (Cambridge O Level Maths)

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Bar Charts & Pictograms

What is a bar chart and what is it used for?

  • A bar chart is a visual way to represent qualitative and/or discrete data
    • e.g.  colours of cars, shoe sizes, names of students
  • Bar charts tend to be used when
    • there are only a small number of possible outcomes 
    • the data is categorical (non-numerical)
  • The vertical axis shows the frequency
    • The scale should start at zero and increase in equal amounts
  • The horizontal axis shows the different outcomes
  • Bars are used for each outcome and the height is the frequency
    • Each bar should have the same width
    • There should be a gap between each bar

Bar Chart Shoe Size

  • You can easily identify the mode using a bar chart
    • The mode is the most common outcome
    • This will be the outcome with the highest bar
    • e.g.  In the bar chart above, 10 is the modal shoe size with a frequency of 11 
  • You can use a comparative bar chart to compare two (or more) data sets
    • For each outcome you would have a bar for each data set to show the frequencies
    • The bars for each data set for each outcome would be side-by-side with no gap
    • You would use colours or shading and a key to clearly show which bars belong to which data set

What is a pictogram and what is it used for?

  • A pictogram is an alternative to a bar chart
    • It is a visual way to represent qualitative and/or discrete data
    • Like bar charts, pictograms tend to be used for categorical (non-numerical) data
  • There are no axes on a pictogram
    • Frequency is represented by symbols
    • It is essential a key is included in a pictogram to state the frequency shown by one symbol
    • Half and quarter symbols are often used
  • Pictograms should adhere to similar rules to bar charts to make them easy to read and interpret
    • All symbols should be the same size/shape
    • Symbols should be lined up so the highest frequency (the mode) and other features can be easily seen
  • A pictogram for the shoe sizes of class 11A would look like this


Exam Tip

  • If asked to draw a bar chart with no frequency axis provided
    • think about whether it would be sensible or not for the frequency axis to go up in 1's or higher
    • going up in 2's often makes for a smaller, smarter diagram
    • going up in 4's, possibly 5's and 10's may be suitable depending on the frequencies involved
  • If asked to draw a pictogram, pick a symbol that is
    • easy to duplicate so it can be drawn at the same size over and over again
    • easy to draw half or a quarter of

Worked example

Mr Barr teaches students in both Year 7 and Year 8. He records the number of pets that students in each year have and uses a bar chart to represent this information.



Write down the mode for the number of pets for the Year 7 students.

The mode for Year 7 is one pet as that has the highest (shaded) bar


How many Year 8 students are there altogether?

Add up the heights (frequencies) of the year 8 (striped) bars.

4 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 0 + 2 = 21


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Author: Paul

Paul has taught mathematics for 20 years and has been an examiner for Edexcel for over a decade. GCSE, A level, pure, mechanics, statistics, discrete – if it’s in a Maths exam, Paul will know about it. Paul is a passionate fan of clear and colourful notes with fascinating diagrams – one of the many reasons he is excited to be a member of the SME team.

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