Cyclic Quadrilaterals (Cambridge O Level Maths)

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Cyclic Quadrilaterals

Circle theorem: Opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add up to 180°

  • This theorem states that if any quadrilateral is formed by four points that are on the circumference of a circle, then the angles opposite each other will add up to 180°
  • cyclic quadrilateral must have all four vertices on the circumference

Cyclic quadrilaterals, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes


  • The theorem only works for cyclic quadrilaterals
    • Do not be fooled by other quadrilaterals in a circle
    • The diagram below shows a common scenario that is NOT a cyclic quadrilateral

Not cyclic quad point at centre, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

  • If giving the cyclic quadrilateral theorem as a reason in an exam, use the key vocabulary
    • Opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add up to 180°
    • The word supplementary means angles that add up to 180° and could be used here as well but with specific reference to the angles being in a cyclic quadrilateral

Exam Tip

  • Identifying cyclic quadrilaterals quickly in a busy circle theorem question can help find angles and speed up answering these questions in an exam
  • Just remember to check that all four vertices lie on the circumference

Worked example

The circle below has centre, O, find the value of x.Q1 Circle Theorems 3, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

This is a busy diagram with a lot going on.
Identify both the cyclic quadrilateral and the radius that is perpendicular to the chord.

Add to the diagram as you work through the problem.

Q1 CT3 Working in red, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

The radius bisects the chord and so creates two congruent triangles. 

Use this to work out 72° (equal to the equivalent angle in the other triangle) and 18° (angles in a triangle add up to 180°).

Then use the cyclic quadrilateral theorem.

2x + 4 + 20 + 18 = 180

2x = 138

x = 69°

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Author: Amber

Amber gained a first class degree in Mathematics & Meteorology from the University of Reading before training to become a teacher. She is passionate about teaching, having spent 8 years teaching GCSE and A Level Mathematics both in the UK and internationally. Amber loves creating bright and informative resources to help students reach their potential.

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