Quadratic Graphs (Cambridge O Level Maths)

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Quadratic Graphs

A quadratic is a function of the form y equals a x squared plus b x plus c where a is not zero
They are a very common type of function in mathematics, so it is important to know their key features

What does a quadratic graph look like?

  • The shape made by a quadratic graph is known as a parabola
  • The parabola shape of a quadratic graph can either look like a “u-shape” or an “n-shape”
    • A quadratic with a positive coefficient of x squared will be a u-shape
    • A quadratic with a negative coefficient of x squared will be an n-shape
  • A quadratic will always cross the y-axis
  • A quadratic may cross the x-axis twice, once, or not at all
    • The points where the graph crosses the x-axis are called the roots
  • If the quadratic is a u-shape, it has a minimum point (the bottom of the u)
  • If the quadratic is an n-shape, it has a maximum point (the top of the n)
  • Minimum and maximum points are both examples of turning points

Quadratic Graphs Notes Diagram 1

How do I sketch a quadratic graph?

  • We could create a table of values for the function and then plot it accurately, however we often only require a sketch to be drawn, showing just the key features
  • The most important features of a quadratic are
    • Its overall shape; a u-shape or an n-shape
    • Its y-intercept
    • Its x-intercept(s), these are also known as the roots
    • Its minimum or maximum point (turning point)
  • If it is a positive quadratic (a in a x squared plus b x plus c is positive) it will be a u-shape
  • If it is a negative quadratic (a in a x squared plus b x plus c is negative) it will be an n-shape
  • The y-intercept of y equals a x squared plus b x plus c will be open parentheses 0 comma space c close parentheses
  • The roots, or the x-intercepts will be the solutions to y equals 0a x squared plus b x plus c equals 0
    • You can solve a quadratic by factorising, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula
    • There may be 2, 1, or 0 solutions and therefore 2, 1, or 0 roots
  • The minimum or maximum point of a quadratic can be found by;
    • Completing the square
      • Once the quadratic has been written in the form y equals p open parentheses x minus q close parentheses squared plus r, the minimum or maximum point is given by open parentheses q comma space r close parentheses
      • Be careful with the sign of the x-coordinate. E.g. if the equation is y equals open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses squared plus 2 then the minimum point is open parentheses 3 comma space 2 close parentheses but if the equation is y equals open parentheses x plus 3 close parentheses squared plus 2 then the minimum point is open parentheses negative 3 comma space 2 close parentheses
    • Using differentiation
      • Solving fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals 0 will find the x-coordinate of the minimum or maximum point
      • You can then substitute this into the equation of the quadratic to find the y-coordinate

Worked example


Sketch the graph of y equals x squared minus 5 x plus 6 showing the x and y intercepts

It is a positive quadratic, so will be a u-shape

The plus c at the end is the y-intercept, so this graph crosses the y-axis at (0,6)


y equals open parentheses x minus 2 close parentheses open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses

Solve y equals 0

open parentheses x minus 2 close parentheses open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses equals 0

x equals 2 space or space x equals 3

So the roots of the graph are

(2,0)  and (3,0)




Sketch the graph of y equals x squared minus 6 x plus 13 showing the y-intercept and the turning point

It is a positive quadratic, so will be a u-shape

The plus c at the end is the y-intercept, so this graph crosses the y-axis at


We can find the minimum point (it will be a minimum as it is a positive quadratic) by completing the square: 

x squared minus 6 x plus 13 equals open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses squared minus 9 plus 13 equals open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses squared plus 4

This shows that the minimum point will be


As the minimum point is above the x-axis, this means the graph will not cross the x-axis i.e. it has no roots

We could also show that there are no roots by trying to solve x squared minus 6 x plus 13 equals 0

If we use the quadratic formula, we will find that x is the square root of a negative number, which is not a real number, which means there are no real solutions, and hence no roots




Sketch the graph of y equals negative x squared minus 4 x minus 4 showing the root(s), y-intercept, and turning point

It is a negative quadratic, so will be an n-shape

The plus c at the end is the y-intercept, so this graph crosses the y-axis at (0, -4)

We can find the maximum point (it will be a maximum as it is a negative quadratic) by completing the square: 

negative x squared minus 4 x minus 4 equals negative 1 open parentheses x squared plus 4 x plus 4 close parentheses equals negative 1 open parentheses open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses squared minus 4 plus 4 close parentheses equals negative open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses squared

This shows that the maximum point will be

(-2, 0)

As the maximum is on the x-axis, there is only one root

We could also show that there is only one root by solving negative x squared minus 4 x minus 4 equals 0

If you use the quadratic formula, you will find that the two solutions for x are the same number; in this case -2


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Author: Amber

Amber gained a first class degree in Mathematics & Meteorology from the University of Reading before training to become a teacher. She is passionate about teaching, having spent 8 years teaching GCSE and A Level Mathematics both in the UK and internationally. Amber loves creating bright and informative resources to help students reach their potential.

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