Safety Issues (CIE IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Becci Peters


Computer Science

Safety Issues


  • ICT devices require electrical power to charge or run
  • The electrical device can cause electrocution
  • Electrocution is caused by the electric current moving through your body, it can cause severe injury or death

Electrocution causes and prevention strategies



Spilling drinks near electrical equipment

Keep liquids away from electrical equipment

Touching live cables

Ensure that cables are properly insulated and protected

Use non-conductive materials where possible

Ensure that electrical equipment is turned off and unplugged before cleaning or maintenance

Use circuit breakers or fuses to prevent electrical overload


  • ICT devices require electricity to charge or run
  • Too many devices using a single socket can cause the plug socket to overload
  • Heat is generated by too much electricity, causing the wiring to degrade and ignite a fire

Fire causes and prevention strategies



Sockets being overloaded

Use surge protectors to prevent electrical overload

Ensure enough plug sockets in the room

Don’t plug too many devices into the same plug socket

 Don’t leave devices plugged in and unattended

Equipment overheating

Ensure that equipment is properly ventilated and not obstructed

Keep flammable materials away from heat sources

Regularly check equipment for signs of wear or damage

Use fire extinguishers in case of emergencies

Turn off or unplug devices when away from the location

Do not cover any air vents on devices

Tripping over trailing cables:

  • Devices can be plugged in using cables, cables that are protruding can cause an accident
  • You can trip over a cable left out in a location
  • Body damage can occur during a fall, for example, breaking bones, ligament damage, bruising, sprains etc depending on the area fell on

Tripping over trailing cables causes and prevention strategies



Cables not properly secured or organised

Use cable ties or clips to secure cables

Keep cables away from areas where people are walking

Secure cables where you can, like under desks to stop protruding into open areas

Use cable covers to protect cables and prevent tripping hazards

Regularly inspect cables for signs of wear or damage

Where possible use wireless devices to reduce cables

Heavy equipment falling and injuring people:

  • Devices have varying levels of weight and if a device falls on you it could cause injury
  • Any device should be placed in a secure location, like a PC on a strong desk and not near the edge

Heavy equipment falling and injuring people causes and prevention strategies



Improperly secured equipment

Ensure that equipment is properly secured and stable

 Regularly check the stability of locations containing devices

Equipment not placed on stable surfaces

Keep equipment away from edges and other potential hazards

Regularly inspect equipment and locations containing devices for signs of wear or damage

Worked example

Using computers can lead to several physical safety issues.

Describe four of these types of issues.


 Electrocution, caused by touching bare wires / allowing food and drink to spill liquids onto computers [1]

Falling objects can cause injury [1]

Tripping over loose cables can cause injury [1]

The fire is caused by overloading power sockets / overheating computers [1]

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Becci Peters

Author: Becci Peters

Becci has been a passionate Computing teacher for over 9 years, teaching Computing across the UK helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels. Working as a Head of Department and then as an educational consultant, Becci has advised schools in England, where her role was to support and coach teachers to improve Computing teaching for all. Becci is also a senior examiner for multiple exam boards covering GCSE & A-level. She has worked as a lecturer at a university, lecturing trainee teachers for Computing.

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