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Calculating Electric Current & Charge (CIE A Level Physics)

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Katie M


Katie M



Calculating Electric Charge

  • Current can also be defined as the charge passing through a circuit per unit time
  • Electric charge is measured in units of coulombs (C)
  • Charge, current and time are related by the following equation:

Q = It 

    • Q = charge (C)
    • I = current (A)
    • t = time (s)

Worked example

When will 8 mA of current pass through an electrical circuit?

A.     When 1 J of energy is used by 1 C of charge

B.     When a charge of 4 C passes in 500 s

C.     When a charge of 8 C passes in 100 s

D.     When a charge of 1 C passes in 8 s

Answer: B

Step 1: Write out the equation relating current, charge and time

Q = It

Step 2: Rule out any obviously incorrect options

    • Option A does not contain charge or time, so can be ruled out

Step 3: Try the rest of the options to determine the correct answer

    • Consider option B:

I = 4 ÷ 500 = 8 × 10–3 = 8 mA

    • Consider option C:

I = 8 ÷ 100 = 80 × 10–3 = 80 mA

    • Consider option D:

I = 1 ÷ 8 = 125 × 10–3 = 125 mA

    • Therefore, the correct answer is B

Exam Tip

Although electric charge can be positive or negative, since the conventional direction of current is the flow of positive charge the current should always be a positive value for your exam answers.

Calculating Current in a Current Carrying Conductor

  • In a conductor, current is due to the movement of charge carriers
  • These charge carriers can be negative or positive, however the current is always taken to be in the same direction
  • In conductors, the charge carrier is usually free electrons
  • In the image below, the current in each conductor is from right to left but the charge carriers move in opposite directions shown by the direction of the drift speed v
    • In diagram A (positive charge carriers), the drift speed is in the same direction as the current
    • In diagram B (negative charge carriers), the drift speed is in the opposite direction to the current

Current in a Current Carrying ConductorCharge carriers diagram, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

The charge carriers move in opposite directions shown by the direction of the drift speed v.

  • The drift speed is the average speed the charge carriers are travelling through the conductor. You will find this value is quite slow. However, since the number density of charge carriers is so large, we still see current flow happen instantaneously
  • The current can be expressed in terms of the number density (number of charge carriers per unit volume) n, the cross-sectional area A, the drift speed v and the charge of the charge carriers q

I = Anvq

    • I = current (A)
    • A = cross-sectional area (m2)
    • n = number density of charge carriers (m-3)
    • v = average drift speed of charge carriers (ms-1)
    • q = charge of each charge carrier (C)
  • The same equation is used whether the charge carriers are positive or negative

Worked example

A copper wire has 9.2 × 1028 free electrons m-3. The wire has a current of 3.5 A and a cross-sectional area of 1.5 mm2.Calculate the average drift speed of the electrons.

   Step 1: Current in a conductor equation

I = Anvq

   Step 2: Rearrange for drift speed v

bold italic v bold space bold equals fraction numerator bold I over denominator bold A bold n bold q end fraction

   Step 3: Substitute in values

I = 3.5 A

A = 1.5 x 10-6 m2

n = 9.2 x 1028 m-3

q = 1.60 x 10-19 C charge of an electron (on data sheet)

bold italic v bold space bold equals fraction numerator bold 3 bold. bold 5 over denominator bold 1 bold. bold 5 bold cross times bold 10 to the power of bold minus bold 6 end exponent bold space bold cross times bold space bold 9 bold. bold 2 bold cross times bold 10 to the power of bold 28 bold space bold cross times bold space bold 1 bold. bold 60 bold cross times bold 10 to the power of bold minus bold 19 end exponent end fraction bold equals bold 0 bold. bold 16 bold cross times bold 10 to the power of bold minus bold 3 end exponent bold italic m bold italic s to the power of bold minus bold 1 end exponent

0.16 mms-1 (2 s.f.)

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.

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