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The Kelvin Scale (CIE A Level Physics)

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Katie M


Katie M



Scale of Thermodynamic Temperature

  • As an everyday scale of temperature, Celsius (oC) is the most familiar
  • This scale is based on the properties of water - the freezing point of water was taken as taken as 0 oC and the boiling point as 100 oC
    • However, there is nothing special about these two temperatures
  • The freezing and boiling point of water will actually change as its pressure changes
  • The Celsius scale is used to measure the temperature in a liquid-in-glass thermometer
    • However, the expansion of the liquid might be non-linear
  • Other temperature scales include:
    • Fahrenheit, commonly used in the US
    • Kelvin, used in thermodynamics

  • The Kelvin scale is known as the thermodynamic scale and was designed to overcome the problem with scales of temperature
  • The thermodynamic scale is said to be an absolute scale that is not defined in terms of a property of any particular substance
  • This is because thermodynamic temperatures do not depend on the property of any particular substance

Using the Kelvin Scale

  • To convert between temperatures θ in the Celsius scale, and T in the Kelvin scale, use the following conversion:

θ / oC = T / K − 273.15

T / K = θ / oC + 273.15

Conversion chart for Kelvin and CelsiusK and Celsius conversion chart, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Conversion chart relating the temperature on the Kelvin and Celsius scales.

  • The divisions on both scales are equal. This means:

A change in a temperature of 1 K is equal to a change in temperature of 1 oC

Worked example

In many ideal gas problems, room temperature is considered to be 300 K.

What is this temperature in Celsius?

Step 1:            Kelvin to Celsius equation

θ / oC = T / K − 273.15

Step 2:            Substitute in value of 300 K

300 K − 273.15 = 26.85 oC

Exam Tip

If you forget in the exam whether it’s +273.15 or −273.15, just remember that 0 oC = 273.15 K. This way, when you know that you need to +273.15 to a temperature in degrees to get a temperature in Kelvin. For example:  0 oC + 273.15 = 273.15 K.

Absolute Zero

  • On the thermodynamic (Kelvin) temperature scale, absolute zero is defined as:

The lowest temperature possible. Equal to 0 K or -273.15 °C 

  • It is not possible to have a temperature lower than 0 K
  • This means a temperature in Kelvin will never be a negative value
  • Absolute zero is defined in kinetic terms as:

The temperature at which the atoms and molecules in all substances have zero kinetic and potential energy

  • This means for a system at 0 K, it is not possible to remove any more energy from it
  • Even in space, the temperature is roughly 2.7 K, just above absolute zero

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.

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