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Average Kinetic Energy of a Molecule (CIE A Level Physics)

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Average Kinetic Energy of a Molecule

  • An important property of molecules in a gas is their average kinetic energy
  • This can be deduced from the ideal gas equations relating pressure, volume, temperature and speed
  • Recall the ideal gas equation:

p V thin space equals space N k T

  • Also recall the equation linking pressure and mean square speed of the molecules:

p V thin space equals space 1 third N m less than c squared greater than

  • The left hand side of both equations are equal (pV)
  • This means the right hand sides are also equal:

1 third N m less than c squared greater than space equals space N k T

  • N will cancel out on both sides and multiplying by 3 obtains the equation:

m less than c squared greater than space equals space 3 k T

  • Recall the familiar kinetic energy equation from mechanics:

Kinetic energy = 1 half m v squared

  • Instead of v2 for the velocity of one particle, <c2> is the average speed of all molecules

  • Multiplying both sides of the equation by ½ obtains the average translational kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas:

E subscript k space equals space 1 half m less than c squared greater than space equals space 3 over 2 k T

  • Where:
    • EK = kinetic energy of a molecule (J)
    • m = mass of one molecule (kg)
    • <c2> = mean square speed of a molecule (m2 s-2)
    • k = Boltzmann constant
    • T = temperature of the gas (K)

  • Note: this is the average kinetic energy for only one molecule of the gas
  • A key feature of this equation is that the mean kinetic energy of an ideal gas molecule is proportional to its thermodynamic temperature

E subscript k space proportional to space T

  • Translational kinetic energy is defined as:

The energy a molecule has as it moves from one point to another

  • A monatomic (one atom) molecule only has translational energy, whilst a diatomic (two-atom) molecule has both translational and rotational energy

Monatomic and diatomic molecule

Translation and rotational KE, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

A diatomic molecule has both rotational and translational kinetic energy

Worked example

Helium can be treated like an ideal gas.Helium molecules have a root-mean-square (r.m.s) speed of 730 m s-1 at a temperature of 45 oC.

Calculate the r.m.s speed of the molecules at a temperature of 80 oC.


Step 1: Write down the equation for the average translational kinetic energy

Ek = 12m<c2> = 32kT{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}

Step 2: Find the relation between cr.m.s and temperature T

  • Since m and k are constant, <c2> is directly proportional to T

<c2>  T{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}

  • Therefore, the relation between cr.m.s and T is:

cr.m.s = <c2>  T{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}

Step 3: Write the equation in full

cr.m.s = aT{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}

  • where a is the constant of proportionality

Step 4: Calculate the constant of proportionality from values given by rearranging for a

T = 45 oC + 273.15 = 318.15 K

a = cr.m.s T = 730318.15 = 40.92...{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}

Step 5: Calculate cr.m.s  at 80 oC by substituting the value of a and new value of T

T = 80°C + 273.15 = 353.15 K{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}

cr.m.s = 730318.15 × 353.15 = 769 = 770 m s-1{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}

Exam Tip

Keep in mind this particular equation for kinetic energy is only for one molecule in the gas. If you want to find the kinetic energy for all the molecules, remember to multiply by N, the total number of molecules.You can remember the equation through the rhyme ‘Average K.E is three-halves kT’.

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Author: Ashika

Ashika graduated with a first-class Physics degree from Manchester University and, having worked as a software engineer, focused on Physics education, creating engaging content to help students across all levels. Now an experienced GCSE and A Level Physics and Maths tutor, Ashika helps to grow and improve our Physics resources.

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