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Coloured Complexes (CIE A Level Chemistry)

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Head of Science

Coloured Compounds & Electron Promotion

  • Most transition element complexes are coloured
  • A transition element complex solution which is coloured, absorbs part of the electromagnetic spectrum in the visible light region
  • The observed colour is the complementary colour which is made up of light with frequencies that are not absorbed
    • For example, copper(II) ions absorb light from the red end of the spectrum
    • The complementary colour observed is therefore pale blue (cyan)

Chemistry of Transition Elements - Visible Light Spectrum, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

The visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum

Electron promotion

  • In an isolated transition element ion (which is not bonded to any ligands), all of the 3d orbitals are degenerate
  • However, when ligands are attached to the central metal ion through dative covalent bonds, these orbitals are split into two sets of non-degenerate orbitals
  • The difference in energy between these two sets of orbitals is ΔE
  • When light shines on a solution containing a transition element complex, an electron will absorb this exact amount of energy (ΔE)
  • The amount of energy absorbed can be worked out by the equation:

ΔE = h x v

h = Planck's constant (6.626 x 10-34 m2 kg s-1)

v = frequency (Hertz, Hz or s-1)

  • The electron uses the energy from the light to jump into a higher, non-degenerate energy level
    • This is also called electron promotion

  • The other frequencies of light which are not absorbed combine to make the complementary colour
  • The diagram below shows an example of electron promotion in an octahedral complex of a nickel(II) Ni2+ ion

Chemistry of Transition Elements - Electron Promotion in Ni(II) Complex (1), downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notesChemistry of Transition Elements - Electron Promotion in Ni(II) Complex (2), downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

Electron promotion in a Ni(II) complex when light shines on the solution

Effects of Ligands on Complementary Colour

  • Transition element complexes absorb the frequency of light which corresponds to the exact energy difference (ΔE) between their non-degenerate d orbitals
  • The frequencies of light which are not absorbed combine to make the complementary colour of the complex
  • It is the complementary colour which is seen
  • However, the exact energy difference (ΔE) is affected by the different ligands which surround the transition element ion
  • Different ligands will split the d orbital by a different amount of energy
  • This depends on the repulsion that the d orbital experiences from these ligands
  • Therefore, the size of ΔE and thus the frequency of light absorbed by the electrons will be slightly different
  • As a result, a different colour of light is absorbed by the complex solution and a different complementary colour is observed
  • This means that complexes with similar transition elements ions, but different ligands, can have different colours
    • For example, the [Cu(H2O)6]2+ complex has a light blue colour
    • Whereas the [Cu(NH3)4 (H2O)2]2+ has a dark blue colour
    • Despite the copper ion having an oxidation state of +2 in both complexes
    • This is evidence that the ligands surrounding the complex ion affect the colour of the complex

Ligand Exchange in Copper(II) & Cobalt(II) Complexes

  • Different ligands may affect the complementary colour of a transition ion complex solution
  • This is shown by ligand exchange reactions in copper(II) and cobalt(II) complexes, as this causes a change in colour of the complexes

Copper(II) & cobalt(II) ions

  • The ligand exchange of [Cu(H2O)6]2+ and [Co(H2O)6]2+ by NH3 ligands causes a change in the colour of the solutions
    • [Cu(H2O)6]2+ is light blue in colour whereas [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2)]2+ is deep blue in colour
    • [Co(H2O)6]2+ is a pink solution whereas [Co(NH3)6]2+ is a brown solution

  • The colour change results from the ammonia ligands, which cause the d orbitals to split by a different amount of energy (ΔE)
  • Therefore, the size of ΔE and the frequency of light absorbed by the electrons will be slightly different
  • As a result, a different colour of light is absorbed and thus a different complementary colour is observed

Chemistry of Transition Elements - Copper(II) Change in Colour, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

Ligand exchange of the water ligands by ammonia ligands causes a change in colour of the copper(II) complex solution

Chemistry of Transition Elements - Cobalt(II) Change in Colour, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

Ligand exchange of the water ligands by ammonia ligand causes a change in colour of the cobalt(II) complex solution

  • Similarly, full ligand exchange by chloride ions in copper(II) and cobalt(II) complexes results in a change in complementary colour

Cu(OH)2(H2O)4 (s)  +  4Cl-   →   [CuCl4]2- (aq)  +  4H2O(l)  +  2OH- (aq)

                                                 pale blue precipitate                     yellow solution

Chemistry of Transition Elements - Copper(II) Change in Colour 2, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

Ligand exchange by chloride ligands causes a change in colour of the copper(II) complex solution


Ligand exchange by chloride ligands causes a change in colour of the cobalt(II) complex solution


  • As before, this suggests that different ligands will split the d orbitals differently

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Author: Francesca

Fran studied for a BSc in Chemistry with Forensic Science, and since graduating taught A level Chemistry in the UK for over 11 years. She studied for an MBA in Senior Leadership, and has held a number of roles during her time in Education, including Head of Chemistry, Head of Science and most recently as an Assistant Headteacher. In this role, she used her passion for education to drive improvement and success for staff and students across a number of subjects in addition to Science, supporting them to achieve their full potential. Fran has co-written Science textbooks, delivered CPD for teachers, and worked as an examiner for a number of UK exam boards.

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