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Last exams 2024


Calculations using Born-Haber Cycles (CIE A Level Chemistry)

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Head of Science

Calculations Using Born-Haber Cycles

  • Once a Born-Haber cycle has been constructed, it is possible to calculate the lattice energy (ΔHlatt) by applying Hess’s law and rearranging:

ΔHf= ΔHat+ ΔHat+ IE + EA + ΔHlatt

  • If we simplify this into three terms, this makes the equation easier to see:
    • ΔHlatt
    • ΔHf
    • ΔH1(the sum of all of the various enthalpy changes necessary to convert the elements in their standard states to gaseous ions)

  • The simplified equation becomes

ΔHf= ΔH1 + ΔHlatt

So, if we rearrange to calculate the lattice energy, the equation becomes

ΔHlatt= ΔHf - ΔH1

  • When calculating the ΔHlatt, all other necessary values will be given in the question
  • A Born-Haber cycle could be used to calculate any stage in the cycle
    • For example, you could be given the lattice energy and asked to calculate the enthalpy change of formation of the ionic compound
    • The principle would be exactly the same
    • Work out the direct and indirect route of the cycle (the stage that you are being asked to calculate will always be the direct route)
    • Write out the equation in terms of enthalpy changes and rearrange if necessary to calculate the required value

  • Remember: sometimes a value may need to be doubled or halved, depending on the ionic solid involved
    • For example, with MgCl2 the value for the first electron affinity of chlorine would need to be doubled in the calculation, because there are two moles of chlorine atoms
    • Therefore, you are adding 2 moles of electrons to 2 moles of chlorine atoms, to form 2 moles of Cl- ions

Worked example: Calculating the lattice energy of KCl

Chemical Energetics - Worked example_Calculating the lattice energy of KCl, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes


  • Step 1: The corresponding Born-Haber cycle is:


Chemical Energetics - Constructing a Born-Haber cycle for KCl Cycle 1, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

  • Step 2: Applying Hess’ law, the lattice energy of KCl is:

ΔHlatt = ΔHf - ΔH1

ΔHlatt = ΔHf - [(ΔHat K) + (ΔHat Cl) + (IE1 K) + (EA1 Cl)]

  • Step 3: Substitute in the numbers:

ΔHlatt = (-437) - [(+90) + (+122) + (+418) + (-349)] = -718 kJ mol-1

Worked example: Calculating the lattice energy of MgO

Chemical Energetics - Worked example_Calculating the lattice energy of MgO, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes


  • Step 1: The corresponding Born-Haber cycle is:


Chemical Energetics - Constructing a Born-Haber cycle for MgO Cycle 2, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

  • Step 2: Applying Hess’ law, the lattice energy of MgO is:

ΔHlatt = ΔHf - ΔH1

ΔHlatt = ΔHf - [(ΔHat Mg) + (ΔHat O) + (IE1 Mg) + (IE2 Mg) + (EA1 O) + (EA2 O)]
  • Step 3: Substitute in the numbers:

ΔHlatt = (-602) - [(+148) + (+248) + (+736) + (+1450) + (-142) + (+770)]

= -3812 kJ mol-1

Exam Tip

Make sure you use brackets when carrying out calculations using Born-Haber cycles as you may forget a +/- sign which will affect your final answer!

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Author: Francesca

Fran studied for a BSc in Chemistry with Forensic Science, and since graduating taught A level Chemistry in the UK for over 11 years. She studied for an MBA in Senior Leadership, and has held a number of roles during her time in Education, including Head of Chemistry, Head of Science and most recently as an Assistant Headteacher. In this role, she used her passion for education to drive improvement and success for staff and students across a number of subjects in addition to Science, supporting them to achieve their full potential. Fran has co-written Science textbooks, delivered CPD for teachers, and worked as an examiner for a number of UK exam boards.

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