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Last exams 2024


Factors affecting Rate Constant (CIE A Level Chemistry)

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Head of Science

Effect of Temperature on the Rate Constant

  • At higher temperatures, a greater proportion of molecules have energy greater than the activation energy
  • Since the rate constant and rate of reaction are directly proportional to the fraction of molecules with energy equal or greater than the activation energy, then at higher temperatures:
    • The rate constant increases
    • The rate of reaction increases

  • The relationship between the rate constant and the temperature is given by the following equation:

Effect of Temperature on the Rate Constant equation 1

ln k = natural logarithm of the rate constant

A = constant related to the collision frequency and orientation of the molecules

Ea = activation energy (joules, J)

R = gas constant (8.31 J K-1 mol-1)

T = temperature (kelvin, K)

  • A varies only a little bit with temperature, it can be considered a constant
  • Ea and R are also constants

Effect of Temperature on the Rate Constant equation 2

  • The equation shows that an increase in temperature (higher value of T) gives a greater value of ln k (and therefore a higher value of k)
  • Since the rate of the reaction depends on the rate constant (k) an increase in k also means an increased rate of reaction

5.2.5 Arrhenius sketch of ln k against 1_T_2

The graph of ln k over 1/T is a straight line with gradient -Ea/R

Exam Tip

You are not required to learn this equation however it is helpful in understanding the effects of temperature on the rate constant.

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Author: Francesca

Fran studied for a BSc in Chemistry with Forensic Science, and since graduating taught A level Chemistry in the UK for over 11 years. She studied for an MBA in Senior Leadership, and has held a number of roles during her time in Education, including Head of Chemistry, Head of Science and most recently as an Assistant Headteacher. In this role, she used her passion for education to drive improvement and success for staff and students across a number of subjects in addition to Science, supporting them to achieve their full potential. Fran has co-written Science textbooks, delivered CPD for teachers, and worked as an examiner for a number of UK exam boards.

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