Magnitude & Direction (Edexcel International A Level Maths: Pure 4)

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Magnitude & Direction

What is the magnitude of a vector?

  • The magnitude of a vector is simply its size
  • It also tells us the distance between two points
  • You can find the magnitude of a vector using Pythagoras’ theorem
  • The magnitude of a vector bold a is written vertical line bold a vertical line when typed (or vertical line bottom enclose straight a vertical line when handwritten)

Magnitude Direction Diagram 1a, AS & A Level Maths revision notes

  • To work out the unit vector in the direction of a given vector
  • A unit vector has a magnitude of 1

    So to find the unit vector of a given vector, divide by its magnitude

Magnitude Direction Diagram 1b, AS & A Level Maths revision notes

What is the direction of a vector?

  • Vectors have opposite direction if they are the same size but opposite signs
    • e.g. if bold a or stack B C with rightwards arrow on top equals stretchy left parenthesis table row cell negative 3 end cell row 8 end table stretchy right parenthesis  then negative bold a or stack C B with rightwards arrow on top equals stretchy left parenthesis table row 3 row cell negative 8 end cell end table stretchy right parenthesis

  • The direction of a vector is what makes it more than just a scalar
    • Eg. two objects with velocities of 7 m/s and ‑7 m/s are travelling at the same speed but in opposite directions

  • Two vectors are parallel if and only if one is a scalar multiple of the other
  • For real-life contexts such as mechanics, direction can be calculated from a given vector using trigonometry (see Right-Angled Triangles)
  • It is usually calculated anticlockwise from the positive x-axis (unless otherwise stated eg. a bearing)

How do I write a vector in component form?

  • We have already seen that vectors can be written in different forms
  • Component form means writing a vector in terms of i and j components
  • Given the magnitude and direction of a vector you can work out its components and vice versa

 Magnitude Direction Diagram 3a, AS & A Level Maths revision notesMagnitude Direction Diagram 3b, AS & A Level Maths revision notes

Exam Tip

  • Diagrams can help, especially when working out direction – if there isn’t a diagram, draw one.
  • Remember, resolving a vector just means writing it in component form.

Worked example

Magnitude Direction Example Solution, AS & A Level Maths revision notes

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Author: Lucy

Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels. Working as a Head of Department and then Director of Maths, Lucy has advised schools and academy trusts in both Scotland and the East Midlands, where her role was to support and coach teachers to improve Maths teaching for all. Lucy has created revision content for a variety of domestic and international Exam Boards including Edexcel, AQA, OCR, CIE and IB.

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