Adding and Subtracting Volumes (Edexcel International A Level Maths: Pure 4)

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Adding and Subtracting Volumes

Why might I need to add or subtract volumes of revolution? 

  • As with the area between a curve and a line or the area between 2 curves, a required volume may be created by two functions
    • Make sure you are familiar with the methods in Volumes of Revolution
  • The volumes created here can be created from areas that do not have the x-axis as one its boundaries
    • A cylinder is created by rotating a rectangle that borders the x-axis around the x-axis by 360°
    • An annular prism (a cylinder with a whole through it – like a toilet roll) is created by rotating a rectangle that does not have a boundary with the  x‑axis around the x-axis by 360°
  • A rectangle would be defined by two vertical and two horizontal lines


    • x equals a comma space x equals b comma space y equals c comma space y equals d
      • Where a, b, c & d are all positive and a < b and c < d 
    • The volume of revolution of this rectangle would be 
      • V equals pi integral subscript a superscript b d squared d x minus pi integral subscript a superscript b c squared d x

How do I know whether to add or subtract volumes of revolution? 

  • When the area to be rotated around an axis has more than one function (and an axis) defining its boundary it can be trickier to tell whether to add or subtract volumes of revolution
    • It will depend on the nature of the functions and their points of intersection
    • Whether rotation is around the x-axis or the y-axis
  • Consider the region R, bounded by a curve, a line and the y-axis, in the diagram below6-2-5-cie-fig1-1-curve-line
  • If R is rotated around the x-axis the solid of revolution formed will have a ‘hole’ in its centre


    • Think in 2D and area
      • “region under the curve”
        “region under the line”

How do I solve problems involving adding or subtracting volumes of revolution? 

  • Visualising the solid created becomes increasingly useful (but also trickier) for shapes generated by separate volumes of revolution
    • Continue trying to sketch the functions and their solids of revolution to help 
  • STEP 1: Identify the functions left parenthesis y subscript 1 comma space y subscript 2 comma space... right parenthesis involved in generating the volume       
    • Determine whether these will need to be added or subtracted 
  • STEP 2: Square y for all functions
    • Do this first without worrying about π or the integration and limits 
  • STEP 3: Identify the limits for each volume involved and form the integrals required
    • The limits could come from a graph  
  • STEP 4: Evaluate the integral for each function and add or subtract as necessary
    • The answer may be required in exact form
    • If not, round to three significant figures (unless told otherwise)

Worked example



Exam Tip

  • It is possible, in subtraction questions, to combine the separate integrals into one
    • This is possible when the limits for each function are often the same in subtraction questions

V equals pi integral subscript a superscript b y subscript 1 squared d x minus pi integral subscript a superscript b y subscript 2 squared d x equals pi integral subscript a superscript b stretchy left parenthesis y subscript 1 squared minus y subscript 2 squared stretchy right parenthesis d x

  •  This doesn’t really apply to addition questions as if the limits are the same, you would be adding some of the same volume twice
  • If in any doubt avoid this approach as accuracy is far more important

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Author: Paul

Paul has taught mathematics for 20 years and has been an examiner for Edexcel for over a decade. GCSE, A level, pure, mechanics, statistics, discrete – if it’s in a Maths exam, Paul will know about it. Paul is a passionate fan of clear and colourful notes with fascinating diagrams – one of the many reasons he is excited to be a member of the SME team.

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