Working with Ratios (Cambridge O Level Maths)

Topic Questions

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2 marks

The table shows the surface area of some countries and their estimated population in 2017.

Country Surface area (km2) Estimated population in 2017
Brunei 5.77 × 103 433 100
China 9.60 × 106 1 388 000 000
France 6.41 × 105 67 000 000
Maldives 3.00 × 102 374 600

The ratio       surface area of the Maldives : surface area of China can be written in the form   1 : n.

Find the value of n.

n space equals ................................................

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1 mark

Mohsin has 600 pear trees and 720 apple trees on his farm.

Write the ratio pear trees : apple trees in its simplest form.


........................ : .......................

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2 marks

One week, the total mass of pears picked was 18 540 kg.
For this week, the ratio mass of apples : mass of pears
= 13 : 9.

Find the mass of apples picked that week.


............................................... kg

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2 marks

Amol and Priya deliver 645 parcels in the ratio Amol : Priya = 11 : 4.

Calculate the number of parcels Amol delivers.

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3 marks

A school has 240 students.
The ratio   girls : boys = 25 : 23.

Show that the number of boys is 115.


One day, there are 15 girls absent and 15 boys absent.
Find the ratio   girls : boys in school on this day.
Give your answer in its simplest form.

..................... : ..................... [2]

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5 marks

Here is a list of ingredients to make 20 biscuits.


Find the mass of butter needed to make 35 of these biscuits.

............................................. g [2]

Michel has 2 kg of each ingredient.

Work out the greatest number of these biscuits that he can make.


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3 marks

For a morning flight, the costs of tickets are in the ratio

First Class : Premium : Economy = 14 : 6 : 5.

The cost of a Premium ticket is $114.

Calculate the cost of a First Class ticket and the cost of an Economy ticket.


  First Class $ ................................................

Economy $ .................................................

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3 marks

In a cycling club, the number of members are in the ratio males : females = 8 : 3.
The club has 342 females.


Find the total number of members.



Find the percentage of the total number of members that are female.

................................................ % [1]

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1 mark

The fares for a train journey are shown in the table below.

From London to Marseille Standard fare Premier fare
Adult $84 $140
Child $60 $96

For the standard fare, write the ratio    adult fare : child fare    in its simplest form.

..................... : .....................

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4 marks

Arjun and Gretal each pay rent.

In 2018, the ratio of the amount each paid in rent was Arjun : Gretal = 5 : 7.
In 2019, the ratio of the amount each paid in rent was Arjun : Gretal = 9 : 13.

Arjun paid the same amount of rent in both 2018 and 2019.
Gretal paid $290 more rent in 2019 than she did in 2018.

Work out the amount Arjun paid in rent in 2019.

$ ................................................

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5 marks

The fares for a train journey are shown in the table below.

From London to Marseille Standard fare Premier fare
Adult $84 $140
Child $60 $96

For one journey from London to Marseille, the ratio

number of adults : number of children = 11 : 2.

There were 220 adults in total on this journey.
All of the children and 70% of the adults paid the standard fare. 
The remaining adults paid the premier fare.

Calculate the total of the fares paid by the adults and the children.

$ .............................................

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6 marks

Some people who work for a company are in the following age groups.

Group A Group B Group C
Under 30 years 30 to 50 years Over 50 years

The ratio of the number in group A to the number in group B is  7 : 10.
The ratio of the number in group B to the number in group C is  4 : 3.

Find the ratio of the number in group A to the number in group C.
Give your answer in its simplest form.

....................... : ....................... [3]

There are 45 people in group C.

Find the total number of people who work for the company.


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