Mammalian Sense Organs (Cambridge O Level Biology)

Topic Questions

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1 mark

Which row of the table best describes receptor organs and their respective stimuli in the human body?

  Skin Ears Nose
A pressure sound chemical (in solution)
B heat balance chemical (in solution)
C pressure balance chemical (vapours)
D heat sound temperature

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1 mark

The image below shows the density of the two types of photoreceptor across a horizontal section of the retina. 


Which row of the table below correctly identifies the structures present in the eye according to the image above? 

  P Q R S
A cone cells rod cells retina cone cells
B rod cells cone cells fovea rod cells
C cone cells rod cells fovea cone cells
D rod cells cone cells retina rod cells

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1 mark

Which row of the table best summarises the ways that the eye adjusts to different stimuli?

  looking at near objects looking at far objects bright light dim light
A lens becomes flat suspensory ligaments loosen circular muscles relax radial muscles contract
B suspensory ligaments loosen ciliary muscles relax circular muscles contract radial muscles contract
C suspensory ligaments tighten suspensory ligaments tighten circular muscles relax radial muscles contract
D lens becomes round ciliary muscles contract circular muscles contract circular muscles relax

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1 mark

The image below shows some of the structures in the eye. 


The circular and radial muscles can control the size of the pupil in the eye. 

How would they respond in the eye of a person walking from a brightly lit room into a dark one?

  radial muscles circular muscles pupil
A relaxes contracts constricts
B relaxes contracts dilated
C contracts relaxes dilated
D contracts relaxes constricts

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21 mark

Which changes occur in the eye when viewing a distant object? 

1 The ciliary muscles contract.
2 The ciliary muscles relax.
3 The suspensory ligaments are pulled tight.
4 The suspensory ligaments are slackened.
  • 1 and 3

  • 1 and 4

  • 2 and 3

  • 2 and 4 

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31 mark

A person is reading a book in a room with low light intensity.

Which row shows the state of the eye muscles?

  ciliary muscles iris circular muscles iris radial muscles
A contracted contracted relaxed
B contracted relaxed contracted
C relaxed contracted relaxed
D relaxed relaxed contracted

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