The CPU & Microprocessor (CIE IGCSE Computer Science)

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Amy Fellows


Computer Science

The CPU & Microprocessor

What is the role of the central processing unit (CPU) in a computer?

  • A computer system consists of hardware and software
  • The main hardware components of a computer system are input devices, the central processing unit, primary memory, secondary storage and output devices
  • Examples of input devices - keyboard, mouse, game controller, sensors, microphone and webcam
  • Examples of output devices - monitor, phone screen, speakers, printer, and motors
  • Data and commands are inputted by the user using an input device, the central processing unit (CPU) processes data by executing instructions and the results are outputted to an output device

    microprocessorA diagram showing the input, process, output sequence followed by computer systems

  • Below is an example of data being inputted, processed and the results being outputted




  • A keyboard is used to input a number


  • If the instruction being executed is ADD, the inputted value is added to an existing value


  • The result of the calculation is outputted to the user via the monitor

What is a microprocessor?

  • A microprocessor is a type of integrated circuit on a single chip
  • An integrated circuit is a small electronic circuit made up of transistors, capacitors, resistors and other electronic components
  • The integrated circuit contains a central processor designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations, which include adding, subtracting, transferring numbers from one memory location to another, and comparing two numbers
  • The single chip also contains input/output interfaces, and memory
  • Microprocessors are a compact way of processing data and can be used in a wide range of electronic devices, including general-purpose computer system  and Embedded system

Worked example

What is the purpose of a microprocessor? 



It is the brain of the computer



It processes data



It executes instructions 



It is where data is stored permanently

  • B or C [1]
    • The microprocessor is sometimes described as the brain of the computer system but this is not an acceptable exam answer. The purpose of a microprocessor is to process data and execute instructions 

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Amy Fellows

Author: Amy Fellows

Amy has been a passionate Computing teacher for over 9 years, teaching Computer Science across the East Midlands, at all levels. Amy has also been a GCSE examiner for seven years.

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