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Non-Contact Forces (HL IB Physics)

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Physics Project Lead

Non-Contact Forces

Non-Contact Forces

  • A non-contact force is defined as:

A force which acts at a distance, without any physical contact between bodies, due to the action of a field

  • Examples of non-contact forces include:
    • Gravitational force, Fg
    • Electrostatic force, Fe
    • Magnetic force, Fm

Gravitational force:

  • The attractive force experienced by two objects with mass in a gravitational field e.g the force between a planet and a comet
    • Weight, on Earth, is the gravitational force of the Earth acting on an object with mass
      • F subscript g space equals space m g
  • Electrostatic force:
    • A force experienced by charged objects in an electric field which can be attractive or repulsive e.g. the attraction between a proton and an electron

  • Magnetic force:
    • A force experienced between magnetic poles in a magnetic field that can be attractive or repulsive e.g. the attraction between the north and south poles of magnets


Examples of non-contact forces

Worked example

A child drags a sledge behind them as they climb up a hill.

Describe the contact and non-contact forces acting on the child and the sledge.


Step 1: Identify the contact forces acting on the child and the sledge

  • The child pulls on one end of the rope and the sledge pulls on the other end of the rope
    • This force is tension
  • The ground pushes against the child and the sledge
    • This is the normal contact force
  • The surface of the sledge moves over the the surface of the ground opposing the motion of the sledge
    • This force is friction
  • The surfaces of the child's shoes move over the surface of the ground (enabling the child to walk)
    • This force is also friction
  • The child and the sledge move through the air 
    • This force is air resistance

Step 2: Identify the non-contact forces acting on the child and the sledge

  • The gravitational pull of the Earth acts on the child and the sledge
    • This force is weight

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Author: Ashika

Ashika graduated with a first-class Physics degree from Manchester University and, having worked as a software engineer, focused on Physics education, creating engaging content to help students across all levels. Now an experienced GCSE and A Level Physics and Maths tutor, Ashika helps to grow and improve our Physics resources.