Force Diagrams (AQA AS Maths: Mechanics)

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Force Diagrams

Why do we need force diagrams?

  • Force diagrams are used to help understand a given scenario and show which forces are acting on which particles and in which direction they are acting
  • In diagrams an arrow is used to represent a force acting on a particle which shows the direction in which the force is acting
  • The magnitude of the force is normally written next to its arrow


What types of forces could be involved?

  •  Specific types of force encountered (which may not be mentioned in the question nor labelled on a given diagram) are: weight (W N), tension (T N), thrust (T N), friction (F N) and normal reaction (RN)


  • Remember that the diagram is drawn to help understand the scenario - cars, blocks, etc are modelled as particles occupying a single point in space and so all forces acting on the car, block, etc act at that same single point
  • The main forces that you will see are:
    • tension (a “pulling” force) acts away from a particle,
      thrust (a “pushing” force) acts towards it
    • weight is W = mg where  m kg is the mass of the particle and g is the acceleration due to gravity – usually g = 9.8 m s-2
      • If you are told, or are using g = 9.8 m s-2  ensure you round your final answer to two significant figures (as 9.8 is rounded to 2 s. f.)
      • If you are told to use g = 10 m s-2 ensure you round your final answer to one significant figure (as 10 is rounded to 1 s. f.)
    • friction acts parallel to the surface in the opposite direction to motion
    • the normal reaction acts perpendicular to the surface (and friction)

Worked example



Exam Tip

  • Always draw a force diagram if appropriate.
  • If a diagram is already given then add to it as you progress through the question.
  • If a diagram is too small or it gets too complicated then draw a new diagram.
  • You may be able to manage with just drawing the section of the diagram you are dealing with in any particular question part.
  • Unless told otherwise, use g = 9.8 m s-2 and round your final answer to two significant figures.
  • Some questions may direct you to use g = 10 m s-2  in which case round your final answer to one significant figure.

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Author: Dan

Dan graduated from the University of Oxford with a First class degree in mathematics. As well as teaching maths for over 8 years, Dan has marked a range of exams for Edexcel, tutored students and taught A Level Accounting. Dan has a keen interest in statistics and probability and their real-life applications.

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