Response to Exercise (AQA GCSE Biology: Combined Science)

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Effect of Exercise

  • In order for an individual to be able to move, their muscles need to contract, which requires energy from respiration
  • When exercising, the number of muscle contractions increases, therefore there is a greater energy demand, which means that the muscles need a greater supply of oxygen for aerobic respiration
  • The human body reacts to the increased demand for oxygen in a number of ways:
    • The breathing rate and breath volume increase during exercise to increase the amount of oxygen absorbed into the bloodstream by diffusion, and the amount of carbon dioxide removed
    • The heart rate increases

  • These reactions increase the supply of oxygenated blood to the muscles

  • If exercising vigorously, the body may not be able to supply sufficient oxygen to the muscles to meet the demand for energy
  • In this situation, some of the energy supplied to the muscles comes from anaerobic respiration, which is the incomplete breakdown of glucose without oxygen
  • This releases much less energy than aerobic respiration and results in the formation of lactic acid as glucose is incompletely oxidised
  • An “oxygen debt” is created after exercising in this way; it is a debt as “extra” oxygen is needed to react with the lactic acid produced via anaerobic respiration
  • This is why an individual still breathes heavily at an increased rate (with a higher heart rate than usual) after exercising vigorously
    • “Extra” carbon dioxide also has to be removed from the body

  • During long periods of vigorous activity, muscles become fatigued and stop contracting efficiently as a result of increased levels of lactic acid building up

Investigations into the effect of exercise on the body

  • It is relatively simple to investigate the effects of exercise on the body in the classroom
  • Breathing rate can be measured by counting the number of breaths per minute, while heart rate can be measured by taking a pulse
  • Either can be measured before and after an activity is performed and the results plotted on a bar chart
    • It is important that the time over which breathing rate and pulse rate are measured is consistent, and that individuals fully recover (rest) before starting a new activity

Oxygen Debt

Higher tier only

  • The body can deal with lactic acid in one of two ways
  • It can be oxidised (reacted with oxygen) to form carbon dioxide and water – the same products formed in aerobic respiration
  • Alternatively, blood flowing through the muscles transports the lactic acid to the liver where it is converted back into glucose
  • Remember the “oxygen debt” is the amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to react with the accumulated lactic acid and remove it from the cells

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Author: Lára

Lára graduated from Oxford University in Biological Sciences and has now been a science tutor working in the UK for several years. Lára has a particular interest in the area of infectious disease and epidemiology, and enjoys creating original educational materials that develop confidence and facilitate learning.