Intersecting Chord Theorem (Edexcel IGCSE Maths)

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Intersecting Chord Theorem

What is the intersecting chord theorem?

  • For two chords, AB and CD that meet at point P
    • AP : PD CP : PB
    • Ratio of longer lengths (of chords) ≡ Ratio of shorter lengths (of chords)
  • A more practical way to deal with most problems involving the intersecting chord theorem is
    • AP × PB = CP × PD
  • You do not need to know the proof of this theorem
    • You may be able to see a connection to similar shapes

InChTh Notes fig2, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

How do I use the intersecting chord theorem to solve problems?

  • If two chords intersect, you can find a missing length using the intersecting chord theorem
    • You can usually chose to solve the problem either using multiplication (AP × PB = CP × PD) or using ratio (AP : PD CP : PB)
  • Keep track carefully of which distance is associated with each part of each chord

InChTh Notes fig3, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

What kind of questions involve the intersecting chord theorem?

  • It is quite common to find this theorem interlinked with forming equations questions
    • Use the fact that AP × PB = CP × PD to form and equation and then solve it
    • The algebra can be made harder by having more awkward expressions for the distances involved

InChth Notes fig4, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes


Exam Tip

  • If you do not like the capital letter notation used you can rename the lengths of the chord using single letters (see the diagram above)
  • The multiplication version of the theorem is easier to remember and work with but you may be asked questions about ratios too

Worked example

InChTh Example fig2 sol, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

Intersecting Chord Theorem (External)

What is the external case of the intersecting chord theorem?

  • The intersecting secant theorem is the mathematical name given to the external case of the intersecting chord theorem
    • secant is the name given to a line which extends through a circle cutting the circumference at two points
  • It occurs when two chords intersect outside of the circle
    • For two chords, AB and CD that extend and meet at point P outside of the circle
      • AP : PD CP : PB where AP = AB + BP and CP = CD + DP
      • Therefore (AB + BP) : PD ≡ (CD + DP) : PB
    • A more practical way to deal with most problems involving the intersecting secant theorem is
      • BP(AB + BP) = DP(CD + DP)


How do I use the intersecting secant theorem to solve problems?

  • If two chords intersect outside of a circle, you can find a missing length using the intersecting secant theorem
    • Substitute the values into the multiplication formula carefully BP(AB + BP) = DP(CD + DP)
  • Often, a quadratic equation will be formed which will need to be solved to find the missing length

What kind of questions involve the intersecting secant theorem?

  • It is quite common to find this theorem interlinked with forming equations questions
    • Use the fact that BP(AB + BP) = DP(CD + DP) to form an equation and then solve it
  • A special case of the intersecting secant theorem is when one of the lines is a tangent, rather than a secant
    • This means it touches the circumference of the circle once, rather than intersecting it
    • In this case, one of the lengths of the chords becomes zero and the formula changes
      • BP(AB + BP) = DP(0 + DP) becomes BP(AB + BP) = DP2



Worked example

In the diagram below, A, B, C and D are points on a circle.


ABE and CDE  are straight lines.
BE  = 12 cm
CD  = 4 cm
DE  = 14 cm
Work out the length of AB.
Using the properties of Intersecting Chords (external intersection), we know that

A B space cross times space A E space equals space C D space cross times space C E space

Or equivalently,

B E space cross times space open parentheses A B plus B E close parentheses space equals space D E space cross times space open parentheses C D plus D E close parentheses

Substitute the values given in the question.

12 space cross times space open parentheses 12 space plus space x close parentheses space equals space 14 space cross times space open parentheses space 4 plus space 14 close parentheses


12 open parentheses 12 space plus space x close parentheses space equals space 252

Divide both sides by 12.

table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell 12 space plus space x space end cell equals cell space 252 over 12 end cell row cell 12 space plus space x space end cell equals cell space 21 end cell end table

Solve by subtracting 9 from both sides.

12 space cross times space open parentheses 12 space plus space x close parentheses space equals space 14 space cross times space open parentheses space 4 plus space 14 close parentheses

9 cm

In the diagram below, A, B, and C are points on a circle.


ABX  is a straight line.
YCX  is a tangent to the circle.
AB  = 12.5 cm
BE  = 10 cm
Work out the length of CX.

This is a special case of the properties of Intersecting Chords (external intersection).

B X space cross times space open parentheses A B plus B X close parentheses space equals space C X space cross times space open parentheses C X plus 0 close parentheses

Substitute the numbers given in the question.

10 space cross times space open parentheses 12.5 plus 10 close parentheses space equals space C X space cross times space open parentheses C X plus 0 close parentheses


table row cell 10 space open parentheses 22.5 close parentheses space end cell equals cell space open parentheses C X close parentheses squared end cell row cell 225 space end cell equals cell space open parentheses C X close parentheses squared end cell end table

Solve for CX by taking the positive square root (CX is a length and cannot be negative).

table row cell 225 space end cell equals cell space open parentheses C X close parentheses squared end cell row cell square root of 225 space end cell equals cell space C X end cell row cell 15 space end cell equals cell space C X end cell end table

15 cm 

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Author: Amber

Amber gained a first class degree in Mathematics & Meteorology from the University of Reading before training to become a teacher. She is passionate about teaching, having spent 8 years teaching GCSE and A Level Mathematics both in the UK and internationally. Amber loves creating bright and informative resources to help students reach their potential.